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MiniBB Simple Uploads

Author ivan79
#1 · Posted: 16 Jun 2010 12:11
Simple Uploads
This addon allows users to upload files, similiar as File Storage plugin, but with less features.

Upload form

File list (with image preview on hover)
File list
GD2 is required for thumbnail generation.

Download and read installation instructions.
Dont forget to setup your real path and url in upload_config.php. If you cant find your real path point your browser at /forum/uploads/realpath.php and then delete this file.

Format script with HTML
Number of File Upload Fields
Enable visitors to change the number of files to upload via URL query
Specify the maximum size
Overwrite exisiting files?
Upload logging
Email notification
Upload Protection with password
Attributes List for all extensions you want to allow
Show image after uploading
Copy/paste link of uploaded file

MiniBB Simple Uploads

Demo (only registred users)
Username: test
Password: tester

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 06:06
Can't find the upload button on your forums to see how it works :-)

Author ivan79
#3 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 07:03
You must be logged. I remove uploading for guests options.

Use this to login:
Username: test
Password: tester

Here is file list:

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 08:08
miniBB Simple Uploads[tm] - what is meant by [tm]? Are you going to trademark it? ;-)

Ok it appears to work in whole... I didn't check the code and don't know how miniBB's user ID or username are tied up with this script?..

Did you program this script, in general?

I think it stands steps ago from File Bank. Not sure if you could store files under different folders, provide pagination on hundreds of files, look up files in threads, edit files or descriptions? It's too simple I could say... and this slideshow... looks too spare for me :-)

Author ivan79
#5 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 08:36
miniBB Simple Uploads[tm] - what is meant by [tm]? Are you going to trademark it? ;-)
Lol. I forgot that I have changed script for file list in demo (not same as in addon) for testing purpose. Thats this script .
It's too simple I could say... and this slideshow... looks too spare for me :-)
There is no slideshow (I put it on demo page just for testing)...this is simple file list without pagination and this is "public" there is no user ID (users only must be logged to upload files), just simple upload space. Maybe I'll add pagination support.
Did you program this script, in general?
Yes, but not all :) . Do not understand me wrong, but I am not so good at .php coding like you, and I am using some open source scripts to implement it in mine scripts :) .

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 08:58
I am using some open source scripts to implement it in mine scripts
I understand.

Well, I am from another planet, because I can't call the script "mine" if I use 3rd party in it. In this case all my Premium add-ons and miniBB itself are not using any other external codes. Well, may be a bit of JavaScript for posting forms are combined from other sources.

Additionally, when it's really my script, I just know all ins and outs of it, and if some shit happens (security hole, mistake, error, coincidence) I just know how to debug and fix it quickly, with no waiting of the author's response, who will sooner or later stop its support. That's the major opportunity of your own scripts ;-)

Ok, if somebody wishes to try the real hardcore open source, we leave all such Custom solutions intact.

Author ivan79
#7 · Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:12
I agree, but I use open source script and add lots of coding. Forc eample, script is writeen in 10-20 lines of coding, and I add more than 80% coding. Even core script is changed. I dont want to use other script and call it as mine. Thats stupid. :) In other hand if I use it I'll give proper credits and note for that.

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 MiniBB Simple Uploads
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