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Author manas
#1 · Posted: 4 Jun 2010 07:33
I want to add functionality in my forum. Any suggetion on this how to add this functionality?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 4 Jun 2010 09:46
Here's how do i add the button to upload an image/file?

You may check File Uploads and Image Attachments add-on.

The other alternative is File Bank.

They are both very different methods of "file uploads".

In general, it's a serious option and requires a lot of server's security knowledge ;-)

Author manas
#3 · Posted: 4 Jun 2010 22:05
Thanks Paul.

Author manas
#4 · Posted: 6 Sep 2010 09:14
Hello Paul, I want to add fileupload as well as image upload both in my forum. i am interested to buy this. This two comes in together?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 03:16
File and Picture Attachments in miniBB Forum provides functionality to upload any files you specify in settings, both images and binary files. The same about File Bank, but it's more advanced in terms of professional usability and less user friendly.

Author manas
#6 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 03:24
In the special requirment mentaion that Picture manipulation requires GD library compiled with PHP. Most preferrably it should have a version 2.x. required.
What does it mean. How to do setting GD library?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 03:37
GD library comes compiled with PHP on the server side. You may ask your hoster about that, or just run the following script naming it info.php for example:

It will list all PHP configuration options, you may use Find function of your browser and locate "GD" on that page - if it will be present, then it's there.

Author manas
#8 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 03:52
its there as i found below information. Thanks.

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.3.9
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPEG Support enabled
libJPEG Version 6b
PNG Support enabled
libPNG Version 1.2.37
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled

Author manas
#9 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 04:35
Hello Paul, i have installed file and picture upload addon in my forum. i am able to attached any picture and it is display in the message box. While I am uploading file the attachment is not showing?

Can you help me on this?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 06:10
It depends on what kind of file are you uploading, and if it's specified correctly under addon_fileupload_options.php.

You may refer to our special thread regarding this add-on, it may already contain useful information you need.

Author manas
#11 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 08:13
Now i am able to attach file. If we want to attache ppt what should be the naming convenience in the addon_fileupload_options.php?

it should be like application/ppt'=>10240000 ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 7 Sep 2010 08:44
No, it may depend on the file type set by your browser. In different browsers, file types may be defined differently.

Under the code of this add-on bb_plugins2.php you may find this line:

//echo $file_type; exit;
Remove two slashes, save the script and try to upload your file. The script will interrupt and report the file type. Set it up in addon_fileupload_options.php.

Author manas
#13 · Posted: 8 Sep 2010 04:23
Got it. Thanks.

Author manas
#14 · Posted: 10 Sep 2010 09:33
While uploading any files it is saves under the shared_files folder in differene name, not its original name.For example if I upload a text file called manas.txt, it save as a name 472_1_o. When I download manas.txt file it is asking me to to download 472_1_o.txt.
Does it make any sense? While some one upload one name while same person download in different name. Why it is not showing its original file name as manas.txt?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 10 Sep 2010 11:10
Of course, it makes a lot of sense. Files have system names associated with post IDs. It can't be changed. Also, these names are unique and prevent overwriting file of the same filename.

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Check out the File and Picture Attachments add-on: extend your miniBB-forums, attaching images and files.