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£ sign problem in RSS feed

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Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 9 Dec 2007 14:22Reply Quote

With regard to above £ sign problem.

It must be linked to the encoding set but which one? I think I have tried most . It looks to me as if the Forum can be set to use one encoding set which gets rid of the pound sign problem but the RSS feed seems to be overridden by the server settings which is utf-8. Examples of this are here:

As you can see the £ sign is fine. Here though:

the sign is wrong. This was pasted into the database as html code. But you can also see the problem with the RSS feed here:

On the lower left of the screen you will see the RSS feed (ajax fed and scrolling). Just watch until a post with a £ sign shows and you will see an extra symbol in front of it. When I check the page code though and alter it nothing seems to happen.

As I mentioned on checking the server it is set for utf-8. Is that the problem?

Mark (Bluesplayer)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 11 Dec 2007 09:57Reply Quote
In the RSS feed file (rss2.php by default) there is a tag

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="..." ?>

here you need to set up your forums encoding and that's all.

Posting forums message in one encoding and then changing it to something else in the settings won't bring you correct results for sure.

As about the feed on your page, it doesn't supposed to be a miniBB-related question, so unfortunatelly I can't answer it. What are you using is not a miniBB RSS add-on, but the 1st page news add-on enclosed in AJAX application; I have no ideas what's happening inside of it.

Author Prince
#3 · Posted: 2 Oct 2010 11:16Reply Quote
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="..." ?>
when I set encoding="UTF-8"

it won't work.. it just work with default setting..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>
?? ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 4 Oct 2010 02:33Reply Quote
What exactly is not working? What is the error you get?

Author Prince
#5 · Posted: 4 Oct 2010 12:33Reply Quote
What exactly is not working? What is the error you get?
It's not opening it at all when I use that encoding.. but when I use default it works but with strange fonts..

it looks like you lose ur connection and open a site.. same with that error..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 4 Oct 2010 14:02Reply Quote
Ok, does our feed work in your browser?

If so, you need to analyze the problem more deeply. Look at the source of that XML - what is inside? May be kind of error reference...

Author Prince
#7 · Posted: 4 Oct 2010 15:59Reply Quote
Ok, does our feed work in your browser?
Yeah.. that works..

and this works also with mine.. but with strange font.. cus my font encoding is utf-8

so when I make it utf-8 just that happens.

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 4 Oct 2010 16:57Reply Quote
There are actually two pound signs: ("£" or "₤") - one of them is old and may not be encoded properly or something:

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 5 Oct 2010 03:55Reply Quote
It seems there was just a bug in RSS add-on itself, regarding UTF-8 mode. The script didn't split the large text properly. Now I have fixed it, you may try to download again, re-install and then report.

Thanks for discovering :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#10 · Posted: 5 Oct 2010 17:52Reply Quote
then report
I tested it.. and by pure chance someone posted on my forum the word:


And this word (actually the letter ï) broke the script - but it still works correctly in iso-8859-1 (both the old and the new version of the script). So I'm guessing for now iso-8859-1 is the way to go.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 04:20Reply Quote
It of course depends on what encoding your forums have, in general. If they are in iso-8859-1, you don't have to put UTF-8 in RSS. RSS feed takes the same data from database as the forum, and it should set the same encoding.

Author Prince
#12 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 08:36Reply Quote
That works great now.. :)

Author Prince
#13 · Posted: 6 Oct 2010 16:35Reply Quote
How do I make it Right To Left?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 7 Oct 2010 03:14Reply Quote
I guess RSS feed can't have right or left alignment :-) This what you see in a browser, is not a "default" placement, and RSS feed is not a standard web page to display, it's XML document, and it may be displayed also using specific RSS clients.

Author Prince
#15 · Posted: 7 Oct 2010 11:44Reply Quote
I guess RSS feed can't have right or left alignment
OK, Thanks ;)

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 £ sign problem in RSS feed
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