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CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#61 · Posted: 9 Aug 2010 14:41
Then I could investigate your problem only if you give me at least URL and temporary FTP details to your forums. It needs more deep debugging, having only this information is not enough.

You may use "Contact Us" link located at the bottom of this page.

Author Prince
#62 · Posted: 11 Oct 2010 12:44
How to enable this feature?

you also may enable CAPTCHA for registered and logged users which were not made specified amount of postings.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#63 · Posted: 12 Oct 2010 02:58
For the code of bb_plugins.php file of this add-on, there are numerous options of top, including

Change $enableForRegistered to TRUE and specify amount of posts under $registeredAllowedPosts.

Author Prince
#64 · Posted: 12 Oct 2010 11:31
It just work with one time sending post..

if user registered send first post, then need Captcha, after that for second post sending doesn't need?

so that's not correct? $registeredAllowedPosts=3;

3 or more...

what's the problem?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#65 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 04:09
Yes, it is supposed to work that way - Captcha is asked only once on the first post, then it's stored in a session and is not asked until the browser is re-opened. The same way it works for guests.

If you enable Captcha for each post, it wouldn't work too comfortable, no? ;-) It is very annoying when you post few messages and are forced to enter stupid letters and digits each time.

Anyway, even for that case, the add-on has another option - set $checkEachRequest=TRUE; then the Captcha will be asked each time when the message is posted.

This setting actually is a very, very critical solution for preventing registered-users level spam. If you don't experience massive automated spam from registered accounts, you don't need to set it up. Specially, if you have file attachments add-on installed, and members are asked for Captcha, they won't be able to upload files.

Author Jaime
#66 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 07:03
02.Nov I bought the Captcha-Addon. 2 minutes later the confirmation email was there and another 45 minutes later the download link came from Paul.

Addon installed and works without problems.

What else can I say? Perfect service, perfect job - Thanks!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#67 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 08:51
Thank you for your support!

Just to add - sometimes it takes a longer time to validate credit card on 2checkout. But if you pay by PayPal, it passes very quickly.

It also depends if there is a business day or not. Unfortunately, most of weekends I spend with my family, so it could be delayed until Monday. For that case, I would say to all our customers: smell the flowers while you can. Internet can wait :)

Author gare
#68 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 09:07
That is probably the most valuable advice you can give.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#69 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 04:58
If I would get even more valuable response a question, I could come up with something even more valuable advice ;-)

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#70 · Posted: 28 Dec 2010 06:24
Hi Paul,

Just seeking clarfication on a few of the plugin's settings in bb_plugins file:

1) $enableForPostings
Does it matter what I set this to if my forum is set to allow only members to post?

2) $checkEachRequest / strong mode
If this is set to TRUE, do I need to change all the other settings (or can I just leave those other settings to their default values)?

3) $enableCaptcha
Documentation describes this to be for enabling authorization for certain actions. What actions might they be? In other words, what actions warrant this be set to TRUE?

4) sequence of add-on code blocks in bb_plugins
Code snippets for captcha, who is online, and disclaimer are all supposed to sit at the top, according to their respective installation instructions. As only one of them can occupy the top spot, I have positioned them in this order (top down): captcha, who is online, disclaimer.

Thanks and cheers -

Author tom322
Active Member
#71 · Posted: 29 Dec 2010 00:00
I think it doesn't matter if you only allow register members to post.

If TRUE I think you don't have to change other settings.

I think it should be left as it is because it's not related to the settings.

4) I have positioned them in this order (top down): captcha, who is online, disclaimer.
I think it should work best indeed.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#72 · Posted: 29 Dec 2010 23:23
Thanks, tom322, for your help. I have left $enableCaptcha alone, and everything appears to be working as desired--phew! :)
After reading the code again and again, I realised that while $enableCaptcha is set to FALSE by default, it will be overriden (i.e. =TRUE) when specific conditions are met - and those specific conditions are already defined in the rest of the code block. If I am wrong about this, please correct me--gently!
Cheers -
marsbar (has so much to learn)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#73 · Posted: 3 Jan 2011 06:29
You should only change the block which is located between

/* settings */
/* -settings */

All other code is not related to settings. $enableCaptcha is not a setting, leave it ONLY to FALSE!

$checkEachRequest is a very strong mode which makes the forum mostly not comfortable in posting. It actually resets session's value each time when it was being "used".

It would be required only for some kind of temporary action while you search for a solution of how to prevent your forum from this or that. Leave it to FALSE.

For registered users, in most cases, it's enough to have


I guess spammers are too lazy to post 20 useful messages to gain the Captcha barrier released. So in most cases it could work.

If it doesn't work, there are other ways like you already started to discuss here.

Author taylorc
#74 · Posted: 20 Jan 2011 02:35
I avoid captcha where I can, I think it's annoying to enter codes, but in times of spam it is really necessary, but if you are not a victim I think you can leave it be.

I hope the future holds better solutions for these types of problems.

Author Prince
#75 · Posted: 2 Nov 2011 11:37

Something wrong with my Captcha, when users entering code it says they entered wrong and won't work.. I've tried my self and entered correct but it says again "wrong".

I've tried Main_url and the add-on: Impossible to generate image because turing number is wrong.

I couldn't find why it's like this, anyone has any suggestion about this?


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 CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)
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