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reCaptcha and Spammer Slapper add-on for miniBB

Author tuaris
#1 · Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:43
Adds reCaptcha and Spammer Slapper capabilities to your miniBB forum.

miniBB Advanced Anti-Spam Add-on Preview

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 28 Feb 2011 04:01
Thank you!

Still I have one question: why it would be require to have both reCaptcha and Spammer Slapper installed? Or do you have kind of choice between these two services?

Also, in your opinion, which one is better?

Here you may also check our discussion regarding earlier version of reCaptcha add-on.

Author sunnys
#3 · Posted: 2 Mar 2011 04:11
Really nice.

Author tuaris
#4 · Posted: 21 May 2011 14:55
I quickly looked over my code, and I think you'll need both services. I'll make each service optional in a future release.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 23 May 2011 03:32
Anyway, this is a solution only for those who can't allow a coffee-price for an original premium add-on. Running a serious project, I personally would never plug-in 3rd party technologies from the external projects. So you don't have to worry a lot about it :) It's up to your own interest.

Author tkx211
#6 · Posted: 6 Oct 2011 07:00
At Latvia, it is coffee-price, but in Vietnam it's big money ($0,5 per cup of coffee are luxury)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 6 Oct 2011 11:46
You won't find $0,5 per coffee here. In McDonalds, it's minimum $1, in all other bars and restaurants it's minimum of $2-$3, the good coffee, as the good add-on, is about $6. You must agree we can't work for Vietnam prices while living in the center of Eurasia ;)

Author Guest
#8 · Posted: 29 Aug 2012 13:03
reCaptcha is getting bad last months. They provide the code which even a human can't recognize. I often visit public download sites which offer reCaptcha to enter, but only after 5-10 refreshes the code image comes in a mode which I can decipher. Minibb has obviously a pleasure add-on comparing to that. Very easy to recognize and type. Not sure why it still works against spammers on my form, but it truly works. Free-in-a-mousetrap, well said Paul.

Author Guest
#9 · Posted: 9 Apr 2014 17:01
I know this thread old but I tried your recaptcha still can't get it to work. What all do you need as part of your server for you to be able to run recaptcha? like GD library. Any help or hints will be greatly appreciated.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 9 Apr 2014 22:02
If I understand it properly, Re-Captcha is about 3rd party service, so none of the local server requirements are involved.
You just need to follow the 3rd party solution about to modify some pieces of miniBB templates code, that's all.
GD library is only required if you run the original miniBB Captcha add-on (Captcha is not Re-Captcha, by the way).

Custom Tutorials and Modifications miniBB Support Forums / Custom Tutorials and Modifications /
 reCaptcha and Spammer Slapper add-on for miniBB
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