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Installation problems, difficulties, hints; Database / configuration error via installation

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#76 · Posted: 22 Feb 2008 04:09
Mekdim: read above, post #72.

Author tigrang
#77 · Posted: 9 Mar 2008 16:41
I am getting error when trying to install the miniBB (_install.php)

I use the correct



I don't know why I get this error. even the tech support of my hosting company could not help

Creating table minibbtable_banned failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
Creating table minibbtable_forums failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
Creating table minibbtable_posts failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
Creating table minibbtable_send_mails failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
Creating table minibbtable_topics failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
Creating table minibbtable_users failed... (Access denied for user 'nobody'@'' (using password: NO))
There were problems with the setup! Possible reasons:

Creating tables is not allowed for your database account;
Login/password for the database 's incorrect;
You haven't created the database entered in the setup_options.php file (possibly, you need to do it manually use DB console or admin panel like phpMyAdmin, for ex.);
Tables are partially or already created and you can directly go to forums now, or to admin panel.
Please, refer to our manual for more questions, check your setup files, or manually create all DB tables.

Don't forget to DELETE the _install.php file as well as the _install_MyForum.sql file from your miniBB directory, if the board is installed already!

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#78 · Posted: 9 Mar 2008 16:59

You have not specified a valid database module. Quoting the miniBB Manual:
$DB = 'mysql'; Depending on your database module, could be 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'mssql'. Keep 'mysql' for current version of miniBB.

All the best,

Author Guest
#79 · Posted: 15 May 2008 19:12
i know its probly been asked tons of times but how do you open _install.php??? every time i do it tries to download that file to my desktop, i duno whats going on please help me figure out how to run it withought that hapening

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#80 · Posted: 16 May 2008 06:31
First of all, you should run this file from the server, not from your local computer. If it happens on the server, it could mean your server doesn't support PHP, and you either won't be able to run miniBB, either need to contact your provider and ask them why it happens so.

Author Bitfiddler
#81 · Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:09
On running _install.php I get this error

Creating table minibb_7bf_banned failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)
Creating table minibb_7bf_forums failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)
Creating table minibb_7bf_posts failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)
Creating table minibb_7bf_send_mails failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)
Creating table minibb_7bf_topics failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)
Creating table minibb_7bf_users failed... (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MYISAM' at line 1)

There were problems during setup! Possible reasons:

Creating tables is not allowed for your database account;
Login and/or password for the database are specified wrong;
You haven't created the database specified in the setup_options.php file (possibly you need to do it manually using DB console or mySQL management tool like for ex. phpMyAdmin);
Tables are created already and you can directly go to forums now, or to admin panel.

Creating tables is allowed
Login and password are correct
Database exists
Tables are not created

Any ideas ?

Author Bitfiddler
#82 · Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:18
I tried creating the table from _install_mysql.sql (after changing the table name to match the setup) from the command line and the mySQL workbench I get the same error..

It seems to me that it doesnt like TYPE=MYISAM.

Author Bitfiddler
#83 · Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:23
I did some googling and it seems that the word type has been deprectaed and the new replacement is engine.

when I change it, it works.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#84 · Posted: 25 Mar 2011 09:36
1. What mySQL version do you have? On mySQL docs we read that The older term TYPE is supported as a synonym for ENGINE for backward compatibility, but ENGINE is the preferred term and TYPE is deprecated. So it still should work. Anyway we'll fix it for the next miniBB release, thanks.

2. It is very preferable that you don't install miniBB manually, but running the _install_mysql.php script. If you run miniBB installation manually from the .sql file, you must take care about lots of things and it's not a miracle if you did a typo somewhere...

Author Bitfiddler
#85 · Posted: 29 Mar 2011 06:15
I have obviously misconfigured some addon. Does anyone have an idea what it is that I should be looking for

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in D:\7BF\SRC\minibb\bb_functions.php on line 22

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#86 · Posted: 29 Mar 2011 13:55
This thread will answer :)

Author end80
#87 · Posted: 16 May 2011 15:41
Be sure specified table names correspond to what actually you have in database.
I'm puzzled by something here..
In setup_options.php that I upload before running the _install I put:


But after I ran the install this is the results I received:

Table minibbtable72_banned successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_forums successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_posts successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_send_mails successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_topics successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_users successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_unreadtopics successfully created...
Table minibbtable72_unreadpoint successfully created...

All tables successfully created! Now you can:...

So naturally when I try to add a forum it gives me the error:
Table 'nickies1_end80.tybeetable80_forums' doesn't exist. Try another name or value.

what is my problem?

Author end80
#88 · Posted: 16 May 2011 21:02
AH.. I found my problem (from the above post) - Although I do not see anything in the installation instructions about also editing the "_install_mysql.sql" file, doing so did correct the problem.

I had to first delete my existing MySql database and the recreate it, because it wouldn't let me install on top of it, but it only took a couple minutes.
And now everything seems to be working correctly as far as creating new forums.

I browsed over the manual again but still don't see anything about editing the _install_mysql.sql file before installing... Am I just somehow missing it? - or does it not say it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#89 · Posted: 17 May 2011 02:59
If it's nowhere written, most possible it means you must leave it and not modify, no?..

What I could conclude from the above, is that you need to know first, how it works, before letting it work. You have completed obviously too many actions because of nothing.

'minibbtable72' obviously is related to the Compiler setting. I suppose, you have used Compiler to get your own package of miniBB, then you possibly modified the options file, BUT didn't save it or upload in the modified way before installation, replacing it with the default one.

Also, if you have used Compiler, it ALREADY provides table names definition. So you have to define your own names first before compiling, on the output you have a version which you don't need to modify at all.

It's IMPOSSIBLE that if you specify table names FIRST, then upload the script to the server, THEN run _install.php, and then the script substitutes some mystical table names. It's impossible - the script is not a wizard, not a human. It's a program. If it doesn't work like supposed, the problem is somewhere on your end.

And you don't have to modify "_install_mysql.sql" file, definitely. You just need to specify all things first correctly.

So it appears - you have overmodified too much things and got messed up, but luckily you have pass this all and it's fine that it works :)

Once again:

- first, specify your custom table names, either in Compiler, either manually in setup_options.php BEFORE running the installation.

- you don't have to modify "_install_mysql.sql"

- you must run _install.php after setup_options.php is uploaded on the server with correlated table names

- _install.php will parse "_install_mysql.sql" automatically and replace default table names, i.e. 'minibbtable', to something you have specified.

Author end80
#90 · Posted: 17 May 2011 04:49
If it's nowhere written, most possible it means you must leave it and not modify, no?..
What I could conclude from the above, is that you need to know first, how it works, before letting it work. You have completed obviously too many actions because of nothing..

... It's IMPOSSIBLE that if you specify table names FIRST, then upload the script to the server, THEN run _install.php, and then the script substitutes some mystical table names. It's impossible - the script is not a wizard, not a human. It's a program. If it doesn't work like supposed, the problem is somewhere on your end.
Well Paul, I'm not sure where I may have made a wrong turn.. but the fact is, it's what happened..
I used the compiler first.
Then downloaded the zipfile
Then followed the readme file contained within
And then I read and followed the manual...
As a last resort edited the _install_mysql.sql
..And thats what finally made it work.

When I couldn't get it to install correctly, I went back to the manual and couldn't determine what was wrong, so I deleted the database on mysql server - and deleted the entire forum folder.. then started all over again from the start following every step..
But the same thing happened, the same way... TWICE!

I realized they were not mystical table names ,and had to be coming from somewhere, so I looked for them-- Then after realizing that those table names appeared to be originating from the _install_mysql.sql file I edited to correspond with my setup_options.php file.
Then again deleted everything related on the server, and re-uploaded, and reran setup..and this time it all it worked... or so it seems so far.

Granted, I am sure you are correct that somehow somewhere I made and error that resulted in this ever happening.. and I am assuming it must have occurred while using the compiler, because thats the only step that I didn't carefully redo numerous times.

All that being said.. I am in no way a programmer, but is there any thing wrong with the way I corrected it?

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