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Stop Spam Flooding

Author joseing
#1 · Posted: 7 Mar 2011 17:13
Hi there,

I have just installed MiniBB on my client's website.

I am inundated with spam adverts on the forum.

I have installed the CAPTCHA Add-on, but doesn't seem to work

Can someone help me?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 8 Mar 2011 03:20
You have installed Captcha - but are you sure it works properly? Did you tested it?

Can we see your forums URL before saying something definite?

There are various methods of spam, automated and manual. Automated is fully controlled by Captcha. There is no way to avoid manual spam except for banning user's IP. If spammers will swap IPs, this will not help too. There is actually nothing to prevent manual spam, because then you can't recognize where is spam and where is a "valid" message. Welcome to the digital technologies.

Also please check related threads on our forum:

How to protect your miniBB forum from spam bots

Nasty surprise for Christmas - automated or manual spam?

Author murph
#3 · Posted: 29 Sep 2011 03:20
One tip - remove the standard text that is displayed for mini guest post forums, e.g. "You are welcome to post anonymously by entering a nickname" etc etc... Spammers simply search for keywords like this and you're easy meat - they know they don't have to register to post.

Author murph
#4 · Posted: 29 Sep 2011 03:24
You can change this text by looking in /lang/eng.php (or the language you are using). Then search for the bits that display using ctrl + f, and change them to something similar, but with different keywords - removing post anonymously etc... Hope that helps future minibb'ers

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 29 Sep 2011 12:12
One tip - remove the standard text that is displayed for mini guest post forums, e.g. "You are welcome to post anonymously by entering a nickname" etc etc... Spammers simply search for keywords like this and you're easy meat - they know they don't have to register to post.
Thanks for the tip; but as you see, you were posting as Guest. Not every board has this greatest feature enabled, and visitors should now about it. That could force them to create new, unique posts. If you protect the board by the Captcha add-on, it doesn't matter if spammers find your board or not - they won't be able to automate their devil anyway.

Also, spammers most likely are about posting hyperlinks. Guests in miniBB are not allowed to post hyperlinks. I guess, that may reduce the spamming amount, too. I think spammers already "know" about that feature, so even on our board, we do not experience even manual spam from guests. It's not just worth it.

So I think, we will hold your suggestion by now. We must care about regular visitors, not spammers :)

Author Taboi
#6 · Posted: 22 Aug 2024 17:47
Check the captcha connection. Most often this is the problem

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 Stop Spam Flooding
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Proceed with the Captcha add-on: protect your miniBB-forums from the automated spam and flood.