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Installing plugins CORRECTLY in bb_plugins.php

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 16:57Reply Quote
From mini BB instructions :

"Include link to the addon_members.php somewhere in one of your templates (statistics, user info etc.) - on your choice."

Could you kindly show how ?
Thank you.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 17:05Reply Quote
"Include" example:

<a href="addon_members.php">MEMBERS</a>

Another words, paste this code into necessary file.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 23 Apr 2003 19:16Reply Quote
The main point, Paul, is how "Members"' list could be clearly visible to all users in the public, (i.e. by inserting it at the Header).

MiniBB instructions say it might be delicate. How could/should it be done ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 24 Apr 2003 09:53Reply Quote
Do you have an idea, in general, what is the header and what is HTML?

Author shellie
#5 · Posted: 29 Jul 2006 19:44Reply Quote
hmmm...i'm trying to add on a few plugins but everytime i add the codes to the bb_plugins.php file, i'm always getting the code at the top of the board itself?

i added the code to the very top of the plugins file.

site at [REMOVED_URL]

any help? in this case i'm trying to add the avatar plugin and i've tried the disclaimer pluging and was getting the same error too. plugin codes appear at the top.

thank you very much!

Author tom322
Active Member
#6 · Posted: 29 Jul 2006 23:35Reply Quote
maybe make sure to add the code BELOW this:

if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) die ('Fatal error.');

Author shellie
#7 · Posted: 30 Jul 2006 00:43Reply Quote
Thank you.

I have to say on both the disclaimer solution and avatars download, the instructions didnot said to paste the codes AFTER

if (!defined('INCLUDED776')) die ('Fatal error.');




That would have helped alot! But then I guess I was probably the only one pasting the codes above that line and totally below that line.

Thanks again. :)

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#8 · Posted: 30 Jul 2006 14:19Reply Quote
shellie, such instruction is possible, I guess, but it can insult someone :) <?php means beginning of a PHP script and ?> means its end. People are not expected to put the commands outside the scripts :) Inside they work better, as you may be saw already :)

Author shellie
#9 · Posted: 30 Jul 2006 17:52Reply Quote
yea that's true. but for dummies like me, that would just help so much. :D

but that's alright. maybe someone will see this thread and that'll help. lol

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 7 Nov 2011 18:43Reply Quote
You don't have to learn a lot these days. This thread is 8 years old.
We have miniBB compiler now, which allows to compile & go package for newbies.

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 Installing plugins CORRECTLY in bb_plugins.php
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