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"Subject" has a strange mouse-over effect

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Author Guest
#1 · Posted: 19 Jan 2012 16:48
I am new to this, and am just setting up my first Forum with MiniBB - and great is is too.

However, I am changing the look to match my company website, and have a couple of questions.

First, when posting a new topic the 'Subject' heading (the actual word 'Subject') changes size and colour with a mouse-over. I've aboviously cause the size change when I changed something else, but can't work out what. I also don't understand why there is a mouse-over effect on this word.

So, how do I fix the size, and can I remove the mouse-over effect?

Second, I really do want this to be a Mini BB, so wan tot remove the capability to post pictures, and possible even links. I have read the user manuals, and searched the forums, but can not see anything that does this - I have looked at the bb_code.php, but do not know where to start...

Any help greatfully received ;o)



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 19 Jan 2012 19:45
First, when posting a new topic the 'Subject' heading (the actual word 'Subject') changes size and colour with a mouse-over. I've aboviously cause the size change when I changed something else, but can't work out what. I also don't understand why there is a mouse-over effect on this word.
Do you use the latest or previous version of miniBB? In one of the previous release, there was <a name> tag located over this wording. In the latest release I've fixed it to have no tag around. The mouse over effect comes from there. Because there is <a> tag.

bb_codes.php is exactly a place to remove some functions. Just follow them, you need to remove every $pattern and $replacement element which contains the proper code. Also edit templates/main_post_form.html to remove BB code buttons.

Author Guest
#3 · Posted: 19 Jan 2012 21:29
Hi Paul, I downloaded MiniBB just yesterday, so I guess it's the latest?

Where is the <a name> tage so I can edit it?

One other question - how can I increase the size of the text in the main BB buttons (forum, Search, etc)?



Author Steve Shaw
#4 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 00:20
Hi Paul,

I notice that if I hover over the 'Subject' word on this forum when posting a new topic the word does change colour still.
Is this because you are not using your fix?

Anyway, can you please direct me to the <a name> used before the 'Subject' so I can edit it out.

Oh, and if it is possibel to alter the test size of the main Forum buttons that would be great ;o)



Author marsbar
Associated Member
#5 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 04:34
Steve Shaw:
Anyway, can you please direct me to the <a name> used before the 'Subject' so I can edit it out.
Template main_topics.html - roughly around line 40:
<td class="caption2"><a id="newtopic">{$l_topicTitle}</a></td>

Steve Shaw:
Oh, and if it is possibel to alter the test size of the main Forum buttons that would be great
Stylesheet bb_default_style.css - roughly around line 155:
look for .inputButton - change the value of the font-size property.

All best -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 11:21
Steve Shaw:
I notice that if I hover over the 'Subject' word on this forum when posting a new topic the word does change colour still.
Oh well, it appears so, my apologies. I will fix it in the post-updates package which will come soon. Thanks for the point.

So far Marsbar pointed you to the proper solution.

Here is how to find where to edit this and that. It's in your hands. Usually such questions are not asked on our board, because they are already answered. Good luck.

Author Steve Shaw
#7 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 12:09
Thanks, I have found and changed the 'mouse-over' effect on the 'Subject' word.

Not been able to change the text size of the main menus - I had already tried .inputButton - that just changed the seperate buttons - Send, etc.

I have read the 'How to find where to edit this and that' a couple of times from cover to cover but can't find anything about the main menus text size... I'll keep trying.

Thanks ;o)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 12:36
Steve Shaw:
Not been able to change the text size of the main menus
Why not? I've pointed you to the solution on how to look up through the files.

The solution is to find a certain (unique) keyword or phrase which will point you to the file to edit.

Next question is how to know what to look up for, what keyword to look at.

The answer is in front of you, it's your Browser. It allows to View Source of the page and View Image Properties. Viewing the source of the page, by text fragment you see on the page (menu titles in your case) you can look up the table's cell where this text is located (<td>). Any table cell contains "class" name which is found under the bb_style.css you use. Most likely this class will contain everything about this cell: font size, background-color, borders and so on.

Next move is to open .css file and locate the certain class by using a very native Ctrl+F combination ("Find"). Then edit it and save back to the forums folder.

Ctrl+F, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V is the only keyboard combination you use on the way.

Is it a difficult science? For me it never was. Actually nobody even teach me that. Why would I need some teaching, if the knowledge is here already?.. Why should teach we every newbie coming here and giving all the same questions for 10+... years?..

Of course, you may think that it's much quicker to ask the software developers directly, and if nobody replies, stop using the software and change it to something else, and claim that nobody supports that free software and doesn't answer your questions.

But sooner or later, nobody will even type a letter to you for free. You get a free support here because it's truly open source. The word "open" is the key. If we would be Apple, Dell or Microsoft, you would wait for reply for months. But for your case, you don't need somebody to reply. It's already in your hands. It's open source, you can edit it thoroughly the way you want - but of course only if you KNOW how to do it, and you KNOW what you are doing it for.

- If you don't know how, then hire the specialist who knows it for sure, like you do in any other area.
- If you prefer to learn on your own without paying to anybody, then learn it on your own.

I am just a very open-minded person to help everybody. But even these days, I am starting to think that people became abnormally lazy and selfish. Then why wouldn't I do the same regarding myself?..

Ok, it's just one of the philosophical moods which sometime happen to me. Keep trying :)

Author Steve Shaw
#9 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 13:27
Thanks - I do appreciate all you have said - and actually agree with it.

I have tried exactly what you suggest - I do know HTML and CSS (not as well as you obviously!).

But, the style linked to is tbHead for <tr> and capMenu for <td>. Changing the associated vales doesn't have the desired effect - hence my question.

Anyway, I'll keep on with trying things.

Thanks again!


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 13:54
If not these values, then some other have effect, and you have all chances to find them with the same method. Good luck.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 16:59
Steve Shaw:
I do know HTML and CSS (not as well as you obviously!)
I know less things that it may seem for you. But really, copying, pasting and finding the text seems far away from what you know.

But specially... if you already know HTML and CSS, it's a pity question where to edit this and that... miniBB is the most transparent and light in this aspect. I did it for myself. Try to avoid such questions on our board because of its rules.

Author Steve Shaw
#12 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 17:16
While I appreciate you getting upset - the reality is the text size for the main forum menu buttons/links is not as expected.

I can change ANY other text size, but NOT the main menus.

I know HTML/CSS well enough to know what should work - in this case it doesn't.

I do appreciate the help you have given, and I hope you appreciate the two bugs/errors I have also flagged that will help MiniBB be even better.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 20:29
Getting better is a never ending process, so I'm not in hurry regarding it ;) Anyway thanks for these reports. I'll try to come with the update/solution soon.

capMenu clearly has a font-size definition, if you are about this class. If it's doesn't change the value, then the crossing effect may come from other of your primary CSS of the main website or the layout you configured.

Author Steve Shaw
#14 · Posted: 20 Jan 2012 23:03
Yeah, I thought about a conflict with other CSS fiels for the main website, or other layouts, so I turned them off - no change.

This really is a weird one - can't understand it. Changing capMenu font size has no effect at all - regardless of what I do.

I'll keep trying things and let you know.

Author tom322
Active Member
#15 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 00:58
Why don't you post the exact part of the code you have problem with? It's probably your customization.


I checked the site in your profile; you may try to add this in bold to your .css file:

/* Header: menu row */

td.capMenu{padding:8px;padding-left:8px;line-height: 22px;vertical-align:middle;border-top:0px;background-color:#AB5657;white-space:nowrap;font-size: 16px;border:1px #dbdbdb solid;}.capMenu A:link, .capMenu A:visited, .capMenu A:active, .capMenu A:hover{text-decoration:none;color:#000000;font-size:16px}

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 "Subject" has a strange mouse-over effect
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