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How to ban a user who has not yet posted?

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:26
I'm getting users register just so they can put spam/phishing/virus URLs into their profile data, and are not posting (I'm guessing as they are trying to post URLs in their first post, so are being stopped?)

So can I ban them, or should I just delete them?

I was hoping to be able to ban them, and then delete them - with the ban stopping them (ban via IP address) from re-registering.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 21:37
The pre-moderation addon is recommended.

I would also make sure links in profile's URL field are not active/clickable (it can be easy to edit the value).

Banning members - visit their profile (logged as admin) and click 'No' by the 'Member' link.

Banning IP - doesn't make much sense these days since they can be easily changed.

Author Steve Shaw
#3 · Posted: 21 Jan 2012 23:18
Yeah, I was hoping to avoid the active moderation, but if I have to...

I'll disable the URL links - had missed that.

and thanks for the 'No' options - I saw that but could find no reference to it in the manual, etc.



Author Steve Shaw
#4 · Posted: 22 Jan 2012 00:30
Ok - I have to say this is proving just how little I actually know about coding... I can't work out how to prevent links in a profile's URL field being active/clickable...

Any hints? A search for $website isn't showing much.

I have $allowHyperlinks=5; but that's not affecting links in profiles.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 23 Jan 2012 12:08
Steve Shaw:
I'm getting users register just so they can put spam/phishing/virus URLs into their profile data, and are not posting. So can I ban them, or should I just delete them?
First you shall think why would you like them getting banned? Do they disturb you or your forums existence? No, they only add the valuable count of registered members to your board. People coming to your board and seeing you already have 20 members registered is better than if they come and see there are only 2 members. The links they post in profiles, do not work for them at all. They are not indexed and not even highlighted for guests. You can also remove the URL field from the Profile completely, or modify parseUserInfo_user_website function to let it output the different value for this field.

Author jmcwebtrip
#6 · Posted: 31 Mar 2012 01:49
I had that problem and I solved by setting the variable $ allowHyperlinks = 10 So, until you have posted at least 10 posts will not be active links. It is one of the many good things about this script

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