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Check User's IPs By ID

Author CheckIP
#1 · Posted: 16 May 2012 13:05

Is there any way for checking user's IP?

I know there is an add-on for that and I already have it (Check IP by ID) but it's just checking IPs and Posts and not what I have in mind.
What I wanted is a list of IPs that user used just IPs like:

Users used this IPs:

It shows that user used this 4 IPs for posting in forum until now.

Best regards,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 16 May 2012 15:25
If you have the add-on, there is quite rude, but still working way to easy fix it to display such results.

Open the addon_ipid.php script and modify the following line of code:

if($row=db_simpleSelect(0, $Tp, 'post_id, poster_ip, post_time, topic_id, forum_id', 'poster_id', '=', $userid, $sqlOrd, $makeLim)) {
to that (note I've marked changes in Bold):

if($row=db_simpleSelect(0, $Tp, 'post_id, poster_ip, post_time, topic_id, forum_id', 'poster_id', '=', $userid, $sqlOrd, $makeLim, '', '', '', TRUE, 'poster_ip')) {
The script will group by poster's IP and display only unique IDs then.

There is a little hiss with that hack: pagination will still be displayed for all messages done, but in some cases some extra pages will just not work, so you will have all results on the first page (which is most possible) or split up to the limit which is defined by the modified request.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 16 May 2012 15:29
P.S. I may consider to add this option to the official add-on, but this may be planned only after miniBB 3.0 release :)
For the quick hack, use my code above.

Author CheckIP
#4 · Posted: 19 May 2012 13:31
For the quick hack, use my code above.
Thanks :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 19 May 2012 13:37
Let us know if it worked for you.

Author CheckIP
#6 · Posted: 20 May 2012 23:42
Yes It's working & I got what I needed, but it has a little problem like: If I search a user for his/her IP it shows like a lot of pages but IPs just in one page or page 2 that's it, and Page 3 & 4 etc, are empty without any IP.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 21 May 2012 13:19
Yes, that's the bug of the hack I've meant above. But this one page or these two pages should be enough for you I hope, at least at this stage that's the simplest solution. In my time I'll try to figure out something with the official version, so later all purchasers of this add-on will be to download and install this update. Thanks for giving an idea!

Official Addons and Solutions miniBB Support Forums / Official Addons and Solutions /
 Check User's IPs By ID
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