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Problem with MySQL database

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Author Prince
#16 · Posted: 22 Jun 2012 14:08
Is there any documentation or requirements for polls? so I could tweak in server setting?

Author tom322
Active Member
#17 · Posted: 22 Jun 2012 17:28
I'd try to move the Javascript file/s related to the polls to the bottom of the page (even to the footer, if possible and if it works). It may help.

Author Prince
#18 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 01:36
I'd try to move the Javascript file/s related to the polls to the bottom of the page (even to the footer, if possible and if it works). It may help.
I did that.. didn't work.. even changed some sql settings.. the only way is disabling polls then it works :)
But the problem is I need polls :)) should find some way and still looking and searching..... :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#19 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 15:46
I have no ideas about that so far. I've checked the Polls add-on code and it obviously is not included, when the message is being inserted into the database. There are some hooks on deleting the message, but it should not happen when the message is being posted.

Whatever I can say, that since your DB is large, the delay in producing may appear when a new record is created in such database, or the older record is updated, or some other record is read/selected from. No other significant reasons can affect the performance of DB. The Poll code obviously doesn't touch the messages database at all, so ... hard to say what's happening.

Author Prince
#20 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 18:52
I have no ideas about that so far. I've checked the Polls add-on code and it obviously is not included, when the message is being inserted into the database. There are some hooks on deleting the message, but it should not happen when the message is being posted.
I created a new minibb forum in localhost and installed polls to test that but it was ok.. I think because I've got a large DB something is happening with loading the page with new sending page!

When I click on "Post Message" and close the page instantly and reload it.. I can see posted message!!! but If I send it and stay on the page should wait a few seconds to page loads with new post!

Author tom322
Active Member
#21 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 19:36
What happens when you login as admin and edit a page? Try to set message relocation option so that page is reloaded automatically too. It sounds like some Javascript problem, but I may be wrong :..

Author Prince
#22 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 22:33
What happens when you login as admin and edit a page?
Nothing.. same :)

Try to set message relocation option so that page is reloaded automatically too.
How to do that? :-p

It sounds like some Javascript problem, but I may be wrong :..
I agree with you.. even I tried a fresh copy of minibb without all add-ons or any extra scripts and just installed polls and it tooks long time for posting.

It's just polls add-on and its codes in plugins causing that.. noting else!

Author tom322
Active Member
#23 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 22:44
How to do that? :-p
In setup_options set:


Author Prince
#24 · Posted: 23 Jun 2012 23:32
In setup_options set:

I set that now.. but didn't solv the problem! :)

Thanks anyway Tom for helping :)

Author Prince
#25 · Posted: 24 Jun 2012 01:27
I did something with Polls Add-on.. in bb_plugins just removed this from polls codes:" $action=='pthread' " then it worked and forum became fast and sending posts les than a second!

Author tom322
Active Member
#26 · Posted: 24 Jun 2012 06:18
I did something with Polls Add-on.. in bb_plugins just removed this from polls codes:" $action=='pthread' " then it worked and forum became fast and sending posts les than a second!
Alleluia ; ). I don't remember if action=='pthread' is needed in this addon (hm, probably it is when you allow users to start polls in a new thread..). You may check if you can start a new thread and attach a new poll there.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#27 · Posted: 24 Jun 2012 11:08
in bb_plugins just removed this from polls codes:" $action=='pthread' " then it worked
That's weird. Honestly, I can't say at the moment why I did put this action to the code there. If it works for you, it's fine then! I don't see in the next going code, that this action is actually plugged in somewhere. May be this is just left from the previous development. Only other actions are taking place, so it's strange that including addon_polls_options.php or assigning some value to the variable may cause the execution. Maybe tom322 is right.

Author Prince
#28 · Posted: 24 Jun 2012 16:43
Alleluia ; ). I don't remember if action=='pthread' is needed in this addon (hm, probably it is when you allow users to start polls in a new thread..). You may check if you can start a new thread and attach a new poll there.
Yup.. it works now. Thanks :)

so it's strange that including addon_polls_options.php or assigning some value to the variable may cause the execution.
Exactly.. now it works!

Thanks anyway :)

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 Problem with MySQL database
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