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Not displaying the 'posts' word near the amount of posts for guests

Author floraforum
#1 · Posted: 29 Aug 2012 19:45
On my site, registration is not required, but I would like to see the word 'posts' be removed by guests.

Look here look at guest wilma.

The word posts I have put in 'main_post_cell'

Like this

<table class="forumsmb">
<td rowspan="3" class="postedLeftCell"><img src="" style="width:12px;height:9px;padding-top:6px" alt="{$l_author}" /></td>
<td rowspan="3" class="pauthor" style="width:13%"><span class="username">{$pLink1}{$posterName}{$pLink2}</span><span class="txtSm"><br />{$viewReg}<br />{$userInfo_user_custom1[$poster_id]}<br />{$userInfo_num_posts[$poster_id]} posts<br />{$userInfo_user_custompics[$poster_id]} {$userInfo_username[$poster_id]}</span></td>
<tr><td class="txtSm" style="padding-left:3pt"><a id="msg{$cols[6]}" name="msg{$cols[6]}" href="#msg{$cols[6]}" class="txtSm" rel="nofollow">#{$anchor2}</a> {$l_sepr} {$l_posted}: {$postDate}{$editedBy}{$viewIP}</td><td class="txtSm txtR"><script type="text/javascript">getQuotation('{$posterNameJs}', 2, {$cols[6]});</script><script type="text/javascript">getQuotation('{$posterNameJs}', 1, {$cols[6]});</script>{$allowed}{$reportMsgLink} {$deleteBox}</td></tr>

<tr><td class="caption1 {$bg} postedTextCell" style="width:87%" colspan="2"><div class="postedText">{$posterText}<br /><br />{$fileUploadData}</div>{$adsense}</td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="4"><img src="" style="width:1px;height:23px;" alt="" /> </td></tr>

Is there a another way to do this?

Thanks already

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 29 Aug 2012 22:59
You can probably look up the function: userInfo_num_posts[$poster_id] (in your bb_plugins.php?) and then just add the word 'Posts' to it (that way it should only be displayed for registered users only).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 30 Aug 2012 10:29
tom322 is right. You need to pass this value through a function, and skipping the $user_id==0 condition.
You may check Custom Rankings solution to see how to set up this function; then modify it to provide the output you want.

Author floraforum
#4 · Posted: 30 Aug 2012 10:50
This is the code from bb_plugins.php?
Can you tell me where and how to put the text?

function parseUserInfo_num_posts($val){
if($GLOBALS['action']=='userinfo')return $val-$GLOBALS['row'][10];
else return $val;

I've tried everything, but I only get errors.
So I think I'm doing something wrong

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 30 Aug 2012 11:08
What kind of errors do you get?
Follow the installation readme for this add-on. Install the add-on.
Then modify the function to display different output.

Author floraforum
#6 · Posted: 30 Aug 2012 19:48
Sorry, I do not understand.
I do not know what I need to change.
I keep getting these kind of errors

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting '{' in /home/.sites/120/site35/web/bb_plugins.php on line 373"

My knowledge of such codes is not sufficient. (I think)
Maybe you can help me just a little more?

this is the code bb_plugins.php.
Where should i change something?

function parseUserInfo_num_posts($val){
if($GLOBALS['action']=='userinfo')return $val-$GLOBALS['row'][10];
else return $val;


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 11:55
It's a correct code. Not sure what do you have on line 373? It appears you have lots of add-ons installed. Not sure what this error is about without seeing the code for it.

Author floraforum
#8 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 15:36
function parseUserInfo_num_posts($val){
if($GLOBALS['action']=='userinfo')return $val-$GLOBALS['row'][10];
else return $val;

The code above in on line 373.
I have tried to put the word "posts" somewhere in the code

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 16:27
What exactly is on line 373? The code contains 5 lines.
I've pasted this code in my local set-up, and it doesn't show any errors.
Make sure you have pasted this code before the closing ?> php tag.

Author floraforum
#10 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 18:21
No, you misunderstand me.
The code above works fine.
But when I try to put "posts" somewhere in the code.
Then I get the errors.
I do not understand how and where I the word "posts" should put.

tom322 said I need to change the code, but I do not see how.
Sorry for the misunderstanding

You can probably look up the function: userInfo_num_posts[$poster_id] (in your bb_plugins.php?) and then just add the word 'Posts' to it (that way it should only be displayed for registered users only).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 18:55
Ok, I'm getting it now.
You are probably about this line of code:

else return $val.' posts';

Author floraforum
#12 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 19:59
That is the solution!
Thank you very much.
Now it works as I wanted

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 20:03
That is the solution!
For me it appears, you are overpricing it :) it's called "concatenation of arguments" in PHP. Not truly kind of solution.
Good luck!

Author floraforum
#14 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 20:10
Well, I am pleased with the way it works now.
Thanks all

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 Not displaying the 'posts' word near the amount of posts for guests
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