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Issue with Polls not working

Author ianjpage
#1 · Posted: 23 Aug 2012 23:53

I've got a really odd issue that has cropped up with the polls on our MiniBB forum.... they used to work fine, but not used them for some time and now if you create a poll, it gets created no problems, but when anyone then tries to go into the poll, it just refresh's the page and doesn't open the poll, even though the URL changes...

URL starts as :<website>/forum/index.php?action=poll
Once clicked on any poll: <website>/forum/index.php?action=poll&pollaction=vote&pollID=33

Also, there are no errors that i can see, plus the poll creator has no ability to go back into the poll either..

Is there any debugging / logging i can enable to try and see what happens or does anyone have any ideas???



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 24 Aug 2012 09:56
The best debugging mode I know, is to modify the script and put echo's on different variables to see if they are really loaded up.

It's difficult to say about your issue. It may depend on custom changes you've made to your forum; it also may depend on the older version of this add-on and the older version of miniBB, in general. Make sure you didn't install the newest version of Polls over the older version of miniBB, in that case, the add-on won't work.

Author ianjpage
#3 · Posted: 25 Aug 2012 00:20
ok thanks i'll start with trying the echo's...

Really not sure what changes were made as i've taken it on from another person who set it all up, nothing changed since it was working to when it isn't now, no updates / upgrades etc...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 25 Aug 2012 12:27
nothing changed since it was working to when it isn't now, no updates / upgrades etc...
If it worked earlier, and doesn't work now, still, something has changed :)
Software is not a human, who can suddenly change its mind etc.

Author ianjpage
#5 · Posted: 27 Aug 2012 13:29
Oh don't get me wrong i know what you mean, but from my side i haven't changed any settings / options / software etc...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 27 Aug 2012 21:24
I suppose, if you didn't change it, somebody else has changed it.

The software is not a human... if it works like expected, it may work for ages that way.

Suddenly, something unexpected may come - for example, server's upgrade on PHP/mySQL version; or the sudden (?) upgrade of the software itself... without seeing what you have, it's really difficult to say what's wrong.

Author ianjpage
#7 · Posted: 28 Aug 2012 23:39
I suppose, if you didn't change it, somebody else has changed it.
Hmm in terms of the forum software, unlikely as i'm the only one who has the access / passwords / knowledge etc but..

erver's upgrade on PHP/mySQL version;
This could be more like it as i've just had to fix a couple of bugs with ereg / eregi errors about depreciated meaning stuff not working so it could well be a back end server host upgrade.....

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 29 Aug 2012 05:29
from my side i haven't changed any settings / options / software etc...
i've just had to fix a couple of bugs with ereg / eregi errors about depreciated meaning stuff not working so it could well be a back end server host upgrade.....
So you did change settings / options / software / etc.. ;-)

Author Jamieg285
#9 · Posted: 30 Aug 2012 15:50

I'm the one who originally installed, configured and customised the forum in question. I had a little dig around and found the problem, and thought it would be worth posting the result for information to other users.

The version of poll that we were using was using $HTTP_GET_VARS and $HTPP_POST_VARS and the problem was the host had upgraded the version of php.

I changed these references to $_GET and $_POST (which oddly, were already used in other parts of the same file, go figure!) and it is now working.



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 31 Aug 2012 11:56
I'd recommend just to install and keep the newest versions of the add-ons and the software itself. Besides of the change you have mentioned, there may be other updates, incl. security updates. Updating add-ons partially is not a sufficient way for it.

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 Issue with Polls not working
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