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Premium add-ons are being updated for miniBB 3.0

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#31 · Posted: 4 May 2012 16:03
Finally! The complete miniBB demo is rolled up by this moment.

It will require few more testing on the next week, before we go to the release of the Mobile version and all-in-one package of miniBB.

By now, you may test how it works and looks with almost ALL add-ons I have reported above in this thread. You may also take a look, how the Mobile layout looks when it's compiled with some extra add-ons like Private Messages or File Attachments (both may be useful for your Mobile forum). Just click the "Paint It Yourself" icon and you'll be offered to switch the Mobile layout, or the "old-school" Basic layout which is also almost ready by now. I will work out couple of other skins, incl. Extra-Mini, on the next week.

Please note, that "all-in-one" package doesn't mean it's no-way-out package where you just buy everything at once. With the Compiler tool, it's possible to not set up/buy/install some of the add-ons you may not need. That way miniBB transforms into savvy mechanism, which is ideal for any webmaster, any website owner!

Enjoy the new look & feel of miniBB!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#32 · Posted: 15 May 2012 11:28
Bit of few other updates came today (no critical changes, but still I'll mention them here):

- Favorites add-on's templates were updated to be more compliant with iPad device
- Polls add-on now has page navigation on the right, and it was re-updated on
- templates/main_topics_cell.html of the default miniBB now will contain more vertical aligning for the compliance with iPad; it was also updated in the default package
- package now will contain default favicon.ico.

More adjustments should follow this week before the final miniBB release.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#33 · Posted: 15 May 2012 20:16
Today I have a bit fixed the "Configurable topic form" add-on (the form now should not be displayed on the generic pagination of forums).
On miniBB demo, I have also started to fix & work out the older set of miniBB templates, which the new version will be compatible with. Test skins and choose "Basic" layout to see it growing.

This is the final step in developing. After that, miniBB could be present in old-school "flat" layout, as the "modern" board which you see by default here, or the Mobile app. Stay tuned.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#34 · Posted: 28 May 2012 18:05
Thanks to our users, Jaime, I've fixed a little HTML validation issue in the template of Preview add-on today.
I'm still on the progress of developing the "old-school" Basic template for miniBB.

Author Mahmoud
#35 · Posted: 10 Oct 2012 16:09
Is there are a way to get the pre-moderate plug-in for miniBB 2?



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#36 · Posted: 10 Oct 2012 16:20
The current version of this add-on could merely fit miniBB 2.0, as only some minor changes to the layout were made.
If you will see some discrepancy in layout, it could be easily fixed, adding miniBB 3 related CSS classes or HTML layout elements.
The functionality of this add-on is compatible with the earlier versions of miniBB.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#37 · Posted: 20 Feb 2013 19:41
Just wanted to warm this thread a bit and put a note, that these days, I've finally began working out the final miniBB 3 release.

By the year, which seemed the most year of nonsense I ever experienced in my life, and with all the difficulties I'm still passing through, I have a strong wish to release the final miniBB 3. By this year we've collected some of the important issues/fixes, incl. those for running on PHP 5.4.x - and the final version should cover them all.

I hope I will have enough of full business days shared to it now, as I switched off my other projects temporarily at least for a week.
Stay tuned and keep watching :)

Author Prince
#38 · Posted: 22 Feb 2013 16:07
Thanks for your great job, can't wait!

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 Premium add-ons are being updated for miniBB 3.0
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