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how to change / update favicon.ico?

Author cleargoal
#1 · Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:07
Hi, dear friends!

I changed file of favicon, but its image not is changed on browser. Be sure I tried all methods of known me, but no result :(
What I have to do to change favicon?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 12 Mar 2013 12:39
I suppose, you must wait some time until the browser refreshes its cache for this icon. As I know, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer (possibly other browsers) do it quite slowly, if it's not forced to refresh.

There could be also other way (not always, but worked for me lots of times):

- Point your browser to the favicon's URL directly (for example, on miniBB website it could be
- Proceed with forced refresh, holding Shift and pressing Refresh button of the browser or F5 button (depends on your browser)
- Restart the browser.

You may note the new favicon is now visible... let us know if you've got a success with it.

Author cleargoal
#3 · Posted: 12 Mar 2013 13:18
Thanks for your reply.
I made all of you recommended but after it I'm see the same icon as before. But it's no matter, I saw that new icon I want there is on the server and I hope anybody see it (exclude me :). It's enough.

Author kuopassa
#4 · Posted: 13 Mar 2013 15:02
If you've done what Paul suggested and still can't see the new favicon, then it could very well be that it hasn't been changed. For example, if here at the favicon at would be modified, you should be able to see the latest version by opening that URL and refreshing (once or twice) your browser window.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 13 Mar 2013 20:17
If you mean your website which URL you provided in the 'guests' topic, I'm seeing the same as well.
Your current favicon.ico is about the yellow squared dollar sign, right?
But on the browser's tab, both in Firefox and Opera, I'm seeing the blue squared 'm' letter, which is obviously taken from the other file.

May be because you're having <link href="data:image/x-icon .... rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" /> code in your templates/main_header.html. It appears exactly about this icon embedded into a heading template. You may try to remove it from there.

(I'm not even sure where it comes from, it's not from default miniBB templates).

Author kuopassa
#6 · Posted: 13 Mar 2013 21:15
I'm seeing the blue squared 'm' letter, which is obviously taken from the other file.
That could very well be from my 3rd Miniskin theme :-D If that is the case, the favicon icon is indeed not an image file, but a data string (base64 encoding).

(I made the favicon.ico as base64 encoded version because it should reduce latency. It should be faster to download a data string than to make a HTTP query.)

Author cleargoal
#7 · Posted: 13 Mar 2013 21:41
Your current favicon.ico is about the yellow squared dollar sign, right?
But on the browser's tab, both in Firefox and Opera, I'm seeing the blue squared 'm' letter, which is obviously taken from the other file.

Yes it is

I delete it right now!
kuopassa thanks for care of
faster to download
but I want my icon.

P.S. By the way kuopassa, very thanks for your 3rd Miniskin theme!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 14 Mar 2013 11:23
but I want my icon
Now after you have removed it, try the approach I've described above.
(btw I'm seeing now your yellow icon instead of an earlier one)

(I made the favicon.ico as base64 encoded version because it should reduce latency. It should be faster to download a data string than to make a HTTP query
I think it's a wrong approach to embed graphical images into a template. When it's about a static image file, it's being cached by a browser and not reloaded each time. But if it's embedded into a template, it's reloaded each time amongst the website's source.

Author cleargoal
#9 · Posted: 14 Mar 2013 20:12
I'm seeing now your yellow icon instead of an earlier one
Yes, it visible and I'm glad. Thanks!

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 how to change / update favicon.ico?
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