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How to fix forum that got messed up by upgrading

Author Ojlert
#1 · Posted: 17 Mar 2013 15:42

I just upgraded my forum from 2.4.1 and I thought I followed the instructions but I suppose I made a mistake somewhere. There are three problems that I noticed quickly.

1. New users cannot register.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_func_checkusr.php on line 19

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_func_checkusr.php:19) in /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_cookie.php on line 101

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_func_checkusr.php:19) in /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_cookie.php on line 87

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_func_checkusr.php:19) in /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_functions.php on line 354

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_func_checkusr.php:19) in /home/ojlert1/public_html/forum/bb_functions.php on line 355

On line 19 in that file bb_func_checkusr.php I see:
foreach($disallowNamesIndex as $dn) {
if(substr_count(strtolower(${$dbUserSheme['username'][1]}),strtolower($dn))>0) { $correct=1; break; }

Do you know how to solve this?

2. When trying to show the second page of the most recent forum replies the page is not displayed. shows 404. How do I solve this?

3. Where in the css file to I change the color of the green field at the top of the page? Not crucial but would be nice to know. Tried finding it a bit but that css file is difficult to find in.

Author 76rhgv
#2 · Posted: 17 Mar 2013 16:10
Please delete this message, registered this user by mistake. But please reply to the thread

Author 76rhgv
#3 · Posted: 17 Mar 2013 16:56
I overwrote all the files except admin, specials and one more with the official files and I still have this problem.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 18 Mar 2013 09:41
1. You should have $disallowNamesIndex defined as array in setup_options.php. It should be always defined as array; even if it has no values, it should be an empty array (not a completely removed or disabled).

2. In .htaccess, there should be defined this line:

#extra navigation
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/$ ./index.php?page=$1&mdrw=on
3. Open templates/main_header.html and locate the CSS class' name to edit it. I'm not sure what do you mean. Additionally, you could use your own colors, tables in the header and so on.

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 How to fix forum that got messed up by upgrading
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