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Author Anonymous
#151 · Posted: 28 Jan 2003 14:07
the support is great too!

Author Anonymous
#152 · Posted: 28 Jan 2003 14:06
i love it :)

Author PC_Freak
#153 · Posted: 30 Dec 2002 14:45
miniBB is:
- fast
- tidy
- easy to integratie in you site
- easy to add your own functions
- easy to make own skins

in a few words: there's no better one than miniBB!

Author Pascal
#154 · Posted: 28 Dec 2002 14:45
I've been using miniBB for about 10 weeks now and I really like it. With 65 members and more than 530 messages so far, my forum is doing very well.

I wish to say a big "thank you" to the developers of miniBB and I wish everyone a happy New Year 2003 !

Author bigfat
#155 · Posted: 28 Dec 2002 11:08
miniBB is very good and i like it very much.

Author sun818
#156 · Posted: 26 Dec 2002 23:43
I like this script very much. I hope you do not implement Avatars, signatures, and rest. The heavy graphics and signatures promote copyright infringement and forum spamming. I like this forum script sticks the absolute "essentials" rather than implementing all the "pretty" features. Take a look at the kind of crowd a sparkly, glitzy forum script attracts.

Author joerg_schuberth
#157 · Posted: 25 Dec 2002 00:14
merry christmas and thank you for the preview button dear santa claus :D

Author AainaalyaA
#158 · Posted: 24 Dec 2002 23:23
I like this thing. I posted something in a VBulleting style forum, and told the usrs there, to come by and take a spin on my new forums, to which one reply was, the particular forum I'm using is not bloated with a plethora of goodies, and I told the poster, that I was reverting back to the Zen of Minimalism. Which should be the case where the Internet/WWW is concerned.

Anyway, I decided to look for a new format board for my other forums, and I chanced upon yours. So much for talking about minimalism. This is really nice. And it gets to what you really need to do. Communicate.

I think I'll try it out, and see. I like simplicity in boards and most things.

Thank you for sharing this with the Community.


Author fribse
#159 · Posted: 15 Dec 2002 11:31
I'm brand new to miniBB, I've been struggling with getting yabb up and running on my netware.
24 hours ago I finally did it, yabb is working perfectly.
Then I talked to a guy who was using miniBB, I tried it out, and just threw away all the yabb work, and installed miniBB in 30 minuttes, this is a really cool forum handler.
There could be improvements (of course), but it's small potatoes, and a lof of the improvements is to be made in the design. The design is lacking what the code has.
But as I'm not experienced at all in CSS I can't make my own designs. It would be nice to have more designs available, with explanations of how to easyli change the colours used, logos etc.

Author GeOgeL
#160 · Posted: 2 Dec 2002 03:52
Just wanted to say...Great Forums

I got it up and running in no time at all
Its got all the features You need and none of the extra crap that just causes headaches anyways...

Keep up the good work...

Author Jeremy
#161 · Posted: 1 Dec 2002 12:36
Well, I haven't been here for a long, long time (since back when MiniBB was at 1.1)

But I thought I would drop by to see how the board is proggressing.

I can confidently say - I am still very amazed. The fact that you have such a small, fast forum with all the features that you would want for a decent-sized forum community is excellent. At the same time, the forums are incredibly customizable that can fit into almost any site layout.

Brilliant work, Team.

Author otto
#162 · Posted: 29 Nov 2002 06:50
Thank You very much!
Very beautyfull look.
Great possibilities to change the look anyway.
Fantastic good documentation.
Easy install.
Trying :-)to be W3C-OK.
Works in Opera.
Good forum-support.
And even though I feel a little sad, if I really choose to use it:
Thanks for the possibility to get rid of the "powerede by.." by bying it cheap.

Author Team
#163 · Posted: 21 Nov 2002 10:24
Looking over the code reminds me of vbulletins sloppy arse code.. This looks like the devs read over all vbs code then made this.. Prob no copy and pasting but var names and ugly syntaxing is the same.

Let us be honest... MiniBB was written from scratch, from zero, we didn't ever look at monsters like VBulletin or PHPBB... simply because we don't like them! We have written this board to fit OUR needs, and we are very happy that many people also like it. Thanks to them :)

Author krkode
#164 · Posted: 21 Nov 2002 06:17
Recently i've gone on the mission of checking out every single good forum and finding the best one out there to use on my website :)

I must say, even with the lack of "essential" features like avatars, signatures and other trinkets like those, minibb definitely makes my top 5, by far!

It's fast, easy to install, use and not even bad to look at.
The interface to edit the read only forums/post only forums and all that is really well made, i thought.

Keep up the good work!

Author PeKa
#165 · Posted: 21 Nov 2002 04:40
Not very constructive, how's that gonna help to make miniBB better??

If you don't like it, change it or don't use it ;)

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