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Message refuses to post...

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Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 30 Jun 2013 11:07
I've not yet had time to update to the latest version, so am using version 3.0.

But, I've just had a situation where a message refused to post (upload) reporting a 'server reset' on Firefox, and a 'This Page Can't Be Displayed' on IE.

It seems to be something in the message content causing the problem...

Is this a known problem?

Author Steve Shaw
#2 · Posted: 30 Jun 2013 11:09
There should be no need to manually load the i1Pro2 drive from any source - just select the probe from the 'Tools / Discoverable Probes' menu.
We cannot vouch for the CM driver at all...

When doing probe to probe matching you should set the probes for their individual 'best' location.
With the i1 Pro 2 on a plasma I would use the probe in non-contact mode, like the K10.


Author Steve Shaw
#3 · Posted: 30 Jun 2013 11:10
The message above is the text I can't upload on v3.0


Author Steve Shaw
#4 · Posted: 30 Jun 2013 15:21
I've updated to v3.0.2 - and I still can't edit the message in question ( I had to use MyPHPAdmin to get the message onto the forum).
Every time I try to edit it I get the error as above.


Author tom322
Active Member
#5 · Posted: 30 Jun 2013 23:39
It seems to work for me. Try to remove the ' and / and check again (still, it should work correctly unless you copied these chars from some strange MS Word or similar editor).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 1 Jul 2013 13:32
If you can't repeat the same on miniBB demo, the problem is somewhere on your end and can't be determined easily.

MiniBB version is not guilty on that. Posting routines were not updated since 2.x. It all works for years and if it stops working suddenly, that could mean something was changed on your server.

Also, if "reset" notices appear on the server occasionally, it could be purely server's problem.

Author Steve Shaw
#7 · Posted: 1 Jul 2013 23:29
Yeah, it's very strange...
All other posting works fine - it's just that one message.

On the main forum the message is 'compressed' - line returns missing.
When I try to 'edit' the message the line returns are there, but when I try to commit any 'edits' I get the same error.


Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 2 Jul 2013 06:10
I'd use a different browser and/or clear all cache.

Author Steve Shaw
#9 · Posted: 2 Jul 2013 10:48
Tried all that - no change...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 2 Jul 2013 19:39
Steve Shaw
What kind of text-related do you have installed? May be like "bad-words" or something like... may be one of the add-ons causing this.

Steve Shaw:
On the main forum the message is 'compressed' - line returns missing.
When I try to 'edit' the message the line returns are there, but when I try to commit any 'edits' I get the same error.
Excuse - do you mean your forum or our demo?

Author Steve Shaw
#11 · Posted: 2 Jul 2013 21:48
Sorry, on our forum - but I think I found a duff 'character' in the original post...
No idea how it got there!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 3 Jul 2013 11:52
Could you explain it please :) what kind of character do you mean? editing your mesage I can't find anything suspicious...

Author Steve Shaw
#13 · Posted: 3 Jul 2013 12:00
I was wrong - the problem is still there...

I found the reason the message was 'compressed' in the normal view, but has line returns correctly shown when in 'edit' mode.
I corrected that via MyPHPadmin, but when I still try to 'edit' the message within Minibb I still get the same 'server' error message...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 3 Jul 2013 13:14
What browser your are in?

Author Steve Shaw
#15 · Posted: 3 Jul 2013 13:21
All browsers I use - Firefox, IE10, Chrome...

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