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Making a Super Sticky topic from bb_plugins?

Author tom322
Active Member
#1 · Posted: 31 Jul 2013 04:51
Is there an easy way to make a topic 'super sticky' from bb_plugins (or maybe setup_options)? I wanted to take a topic and randomly display it as Super Sticky topic on the main page. For example, for logged users, I want to display $topic_id=250 as if it was a Super Sticky topic. I thought something like that would work:

if($action=='' and $user_id>0) $specialThreads='250';
But it only displayed the number '250' on the first page (I hoped it would display all the details just like a real Super Sticky topic..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 31 Jul 2013 11:22
Sorry, it's not possible with an easy way or default miniBB codes.

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 31 Jul 2013 19:34
I thought so - it should go on TODO list then (providing it's not too much resource consuming ; ).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 1 Aug 2013 11:00
Actually, it stands closer to the impossible task, because super-stickies are built/sorted/selected based on the database information.
If to the regular module we're going to attach some kind of static info, this info should be concatenated with that one coming from the database. I could break my brains aligning all these arrays into a common shape.

Sorry, but I'm not considering this as a feature which would work for most of forums. It's up to too much job which I have no reason for.

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 Making a Super Sticky topic from bb_plugins?
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