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File and Image Attachments

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Author Jaime
#166 · Posted: 8 Dec 2012 08:38Reply Quote
If you do not have funktion parseMessage() in the bb_plugins file, you must first create one.

/* Start parseMessage */

function parseMessage(){

/* File upload addon */


... and the rest

/* File upload addon */


/* End parseMessage */

Just use the compiler. He create a working version of miniBB. And look at it once the auto-generated bb_plugins. There you will see then what code is given where best.

And beware - the function parseMessage must be defined only once! Otherwise, it will cause problems. And you'll need this feature for any other plugins or for their own adjustments on the issue of miniBB. Good luck

Author madxweb
#167 · Posted: 19 Sep 2013 05:55Reply Quote
Great work Paul & minibb co.

- regarding the file-image attachment

I noticed anonymous/guest users can't post file attachemtns, is it possible to turn it on for them?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#168 · Posted: 19 Sep 2013 14:47Reply Quote
I noticed anonymous/guest users can't post file attachemtns, is it possible to turn it on for them?
Sorry, it's not possible in the current version because of security reasons, miniBB architecture, and the add-on's page says that (fixed it a bit to make it more obvious).

the uploading procedure is available only to registered and logged members
If you would like to allow Guests to upload external files, refer to the File Bank add-on. It can be configured for Guests (also, on our forums it works that way, too).

Author lara_19800
#169 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 13:35Reply Quote
only have GD 2.0 and not ImageMagick

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#170 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 13:58Reply Quote
The add-on works/coded with GD 2.0 by default, if you are meaning this.
ImageMagick is just an addition to this.

Author Guest
#171 · Posted: 23 Oct 2013 16:46Reply Quote
Wow. Not a fun plugin to install.

I have it uploading but how do I use the uploaded images? Can they be displayed inline?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#172 · Posted: 23 Oct 2013 23:21Reply Quote
Not a fun plugin to install.
Not a fun to live in the world of non-sense, actually.

I have it uploading but how do I use the uploaded images? Can they be displayed inline?
Not sure I'm up to that question.

What do you actually mean?

What does it mean "if they could be displayed inline"?

Surely, our add-on allows to save up all images to the internal device - HDD, FTP, dynamic memory or whatever.

But it truly depends on how the Administrator of the forums had set them up. There's quite a basic option to disallow files/images from saving inline - then, if you are not the "Die Hard 4" level hacker, you'd have no way to this. Again, we are not involved in this process at all.

Author Bluesplayer
#173 · Posted: 11 Jan 2014 11:42Reply Quote
Not a question but just to say what a brilliant addon - thanks.

Author intergrated
#174 · Posted: 6 Mar 2014 14:33Reply Quote

I have installed the file upload plugin, following the instructions to the letter but the uploaded file does not show in the post.

I have checked that the file actually gets uploaded to the shared directory, it does. There are no errors displayed, it just doesn't show the image that was uploaded.

Your assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

Author intergrated
#175 · Posted: 6 Mar 2014 15:17Reply Quote
I double checked everything again...

Just can't get images to display in posts :(

Otherwise, great BB - I love it's simplicity and ease of use for members. Perhaps addons could be installed more easily, perhaps via a zip file? Like Dupral and other CMS - just a thought to make it easier for inexperienced webmasters. I installed the image uploader for member profiles and it worked first up!

Good work :)

Author Bluesplayer
#176 · Posted: 6 Mar 2014 15:31Reply Quote
I double checked everything again...
You must have missed something. I installed it without any hiccups, though you have to follow the instructions to the letter.

You can see it working on this forum ...

All Pets Chat

Author intergrated
#177 · Posted: 6 Mar 2014 16:10Reply Quote
I checked it 3 times...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#178 · Posted: 7 Mar 2014 10:22Reply Quote
Sorry for delayed response, I was offline for two days. I have replied you privately, for any case will duplicate my suggestion here:

From the recent experience I have got from one of the customers, I have a conclusion that some instruction in the README file is not certainly clear. Especially, it affects the parseMessage function. Possibly, your problem is related to this, too. Unfortunately, I was still not having enough of time to fix this instruction, will do it ASAP next week.

So, just to repeat: bb_plugins.php should have TWO parts of the add-on's code inserted. One is located in bb_plugins.code.txt part and should be pasted directly. Another one is located in bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txt (or similar name - sorry, I do not remember it mutually, typing this reply from my mobile device with no having access to files) - that one should be pasted in the function

function parseMessage(){

... Here goes the code from bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txt...


If you still doubt how to paste all codes properly, login as the customer and go to the Compiler tool. The add-ons you have purchased, will be available in the Compiler. Check just the add-on you have doubts for, and compile it with the core, getting the package downloaded. Then you have to analyze all files, specially bb_plugins.php and see how the codes are inserted properly. Possibly, you may discover your mistake after that.

If you will still have questions, please ask.

Author Bluesplayer
#179 · Posted: 6 Apr 2014 11:10Reply Quote
I have the 'Attach Files' mod installed - great mod it is too - but I'm finding people are reluctant to resize their images to be lower than I have set. They are either too lazy or not computer savvy enough to do so. What I'm wondering is could the uploads be automatically resized if they are over a certain size. I mean the script creates thumbnails so the coding is more or less there already. I haven't studied the code yet but what are your thoughts on this? I could then remove any restrictions which would help my users.

Author Jaime
#180 · Posted: 6 Apr 2014 12:51Reply Quote
Hi Bluesplayer,

do you see $resizeBigPictures=xxx; in addon_fileupload_options ? It works in others addons too ... (pics,storages) ...

Greetings Jaime

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