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Protected directory with htaccess

Author Jaime
#1 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 12:33
Something else;-) A directory should be protected. Has access to only one user at a particular IP AND having to log in addition to username and password.

If no problem :)

But everyone already comes with a non-matching IP ... should not even be prompted to enter username and password! He should simply forwarded to another page.

Since i am currently on the tube and do not get out that with .htaccess

My attempt was:

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_HOST} !^xxx\.xxx\.xxx\.xxx
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ myurl/? [R=301,L]

AuthType Basic

Was it not so that rewriting is performed before authorization?

So I'm looking for this solution and .. Is that even possible via htaccess?

Incorrect IP - redirect
Correct IP - allow AND check authorization

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 13:56
How this could be related to miniBB?

Author Jaime
#3 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 14:24
No Paul, has nothing to do with miniBB.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 2 Oct 2013 20:45
Then may be it would be useful to ask .htaccess-related questions on the Apache-related forum :-) Because it truly depends on many factors, how to do this, it also depends on your customization of server settings. Even pre-existing codes may work differently on various servers, I can't even suggest something theoretical, it should be developed on your server only. No aside advice is possible, I guess.

Author Jaime
#5 · Posted: 4 Oct 2013 10:44
Sure there would be also a good place to ask ... but there is certainly one or the other of possibly had a tip for me :)

And the solution i've probably found yourself, i just need enclose the authorization with a <FilesMatch "."> block, also

RewriteCond ...

<FilesMatch ".">
AuthType Basic

Now it works (by me!) , Incorrect IP - redirect and no display of the authorization area, Correct IP - allow AND display/check the authorization area. My question has been resolved and my curiosity has been satisfied with it :)

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 Protected directory with htaccess
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