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Uploaded image names

Author sandoo
#1 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 15:55
I've purchased File / Image Attachments add-on for miniBB.

Everything seems to work just fine. In fact I'm happy with everything so far.

However I do see uploaded files have machine generated names like 18866_1_s.jpg
I would like to somehow preserve original filenames, so the uploaded files could be more easily referenced elsewhere.

Fiberglass-dory_1_s.jpg is more descriptive and useful than 18866_1_s.jpg

What about the alternative "File Bank" system? Does that change file names too? I suppose I could add some code to keep a log file that maps names somehow. Finally. I would have put this post in the "Addons" forum. But I don't seem to have write permission there.


I don't want to lose the original filenames.

Author Jaime
#2 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 16:52
However I do see uploaded files have machine generated names like 18866_1_s.jpg
Right Sandoo, this number of upload is connected with the ID of your posting, and will probably have to stay that way. But ask Paul, hi is the programmer :)

With the FileBank Addon you get what you want.

I would have put this post in the "Addons" forum. But I don't seem to have write permission there.
Right, in this forum we can not post new topics, only replys to existing posts.

Author sandoo
#3 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 17:04
OK. Thank you. I'll buy the File Bank addon. I'm happy with the software.
I'm a programmer and can modify things too, as needed.

I'm using minibb because I can embed it inside an enclosing CMS. Haven't had any trouble yet. If I do I'm sure I can fix it.

The codes are clean compact and efficient. I like this forum software. I'm a fan.

Author sandoo
#4 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 17:22
Ok. I just bought the File Bank addon and I'm happy with it too.
I do have one more question.

I've been running a phorum forum for over ten years. I like to allow users the right edit posts long after they make them. I do it myself a lot. Perhaps I'll find an embarrassing spelling or grammatical mistake a week later. I like to be able to fix it

minibb seems to be leaving the "edit" button active for a short period of time. Is there a convenient way to turn that off? So posts can be edited hours days or weeks later?

Author Jaime
#5 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 18:06
minibb seems to be leaving the "edit" button active for a short period of time. Is there a convenient way to turn that off? So posts can be edited hours days or weeks later?
What say the miniBB manual? ;-)

$useredit=86400; Parameter defines number of seconds, after which user WILL NOT BE ABLE to edit his message. By default is 1 day (86400 sec.) If 0 or not set, user will be able to edit his post everytime.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 5 Dec 2013 18:12
At the time I've come to read this thread you seem to solve everything on your own; thanks.

Just a tiny addition to your statements:

I would like to somehow preserve original filenames, so the uploaded files could be more easily referenced elsewhere.
The File / Image Attachments add-on is truly associated with the message IDs, so Jaime explained it properly above. This approach can't be changed, because in the system, there could be truly a lot of similar file names, but they should be recognized some how. In addition to this, you may use Descriptions of the file. Descriptions are for that you're suggesting: they allow to recognize files and index them well in search engines. Descriptions are also used for ALTs/TITLEs in pictures. As I know, this approach is enough for most of the customers. Noone truly cares about filenames, because they could or could not be descriptive; but the Description provided near each file, makes more sense.

Yes, I see you already tried File Bank add-on - this is actually for what you suggest. It keeps the original file names (even if a file will come with an existing file name, it will be renamed with as less difference as possible); these files could be pasted anywhere in the message, this add-on has more sophisticated logics to handle uploaded files (but also, users must be truly experienced for that; it's not easy as the Attachments add-on, that's why we have 2 different add-ons for mostly similar purpose).

minibb seems to be leaving the "edit" button active for a short period of time. Is there a convenient way to turn that off? So posts can be edited hours days or weeks later?
There is $useredit option in setup_options.php. Read in Manual for more. Actually it is about the period of time (in seconds) when users could edit their messages.

But our recommendation is to keep this value as short as possible. Edited messages do not come over older posts, so moderators / admins could merely skip them. But users might me truly angry or jealous sometimes, you know. They could edit they messages posted month ago to fill them with s-words and remove much of the necessary stuff. As I know, most of blogs, even Facebook have turned off editing of messages or provide it only for a short time (to fix spelling, for example - not more than this).

Up to you.

like this forum software. I'm a fan.
Thanks so far :) If you'll be happy for more longer time, drop as a note so we could add your wonderful forum to our Gallery or Showcase.

I would have put this post in the "Addons" forum. But I don't seem to have write permission there.
In this forum, we keep the structure of a Topic -> Add-on discussion, so each add-on has a related discussion only. But your question is not just about one add-on or just the add-ons. For your case, you might to provide a reply for 2 related topics and create at least one another topic to ask about something which is not about add-ons at all.

That's why your topic is suiting the "Specific" forum actually...

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 Uploaded image names
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