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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 2 Mar 2014 01:35
Sochi 2014. The `missing ring`

February started with a coincidence. And was full of it later.

I already heard, time ago, about the new Tarantino movie called "Django Unchained"; I'm not a big fan of Quentin movies, would say, they not always bring lots of joy... and not always they bring me the feeling of WHY I have to watch some movie, where was the sense? With "Django", I've caught some.

After having fun for THREE hours enjoying this quite not a boring movie about what happened in US in the end of 19th century with all that white slavers and black slaves... the most surprising, after-all, was to see an alert on my iPad's FreeBook store, saying today is the 149th Anniversary of slavery being cancelled in US... I was impressed by this. Was it a coincidence? Specially because, at that evening I shown excerpts from Tarantino movie to my friend - those ones explaining what is phrenology and HOW DiCaprio's character interprets them..., and what are brains' areas which affect "slavery" and "creativity"... In fact, it appears that DiCaprio "invented" this scene and suggested it to Tarantino, knowing that in the area of 19th slavers, it was quite a popular "pseudo-science".

The scene from `Django Unchained`: phrenology lesson

Was it truly "pseudo"?.. Now imagine me watching FreeBook suggesting to read the classics of Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Uncle Tom's Cabin"... At the same time after I've just watched the movie of the same kind.

It was hard to not believe in random happenings this month. They were a bit of downgrading me.


Shortly after enjoying slavery blockbuster, I became a slave of my sick mother, again, and this disabled all of my creativity, completely. Bad if you are the only one child in the family, and the father is went time ago. Then no one else could help.

She's got an ischemic stroke for the 3rd time, and it was just luck that I've started to call her in the middle of the day, while she was already lying on the kitchen's floor, at the time the gas was opened. Still not sure if it wasn't a coincidence while the flat was not burned out, or even the whole condominium exploded. It was luck that our neighbor had the key and she was able to close the gas in time and call for ambulance.

This time, all doctors gave her very small chances to survive. Each new case in cerebrovascular accidents history damages the brains and organism even more. She's got her left part of the body completely paralyzed, and spent in hospital about 2 weeks. One day, she stopped breathing right in front of my eyes, but again, there was a coincidence that I've brought her up, because I've just entered the chamber while visiting her, and noticed it in time.

Before 17th, I was spending time in my home flat. Just spending time. There was no PC, no even Internet connection. I didn't know what to do. Will she die?.. survive?.. and then what's next? I wasn't having enough of education to carry out such a damaged person.

Finally, after getting lots of people in touch, swapping cabinets, damaging my own nervous system a lot, thus getting a new EU passport this time, it happened that my "half-of-mom" finally got this place in the retirement home of Rezekne. I was getting back to roots again, some way. I've brought my working PC from Riga, signed in for the cheapest 2 Mbps Internet connection of 8,50 EUR/month, and finally, in 20ies of February I was able to start doing my jobs.

After almost a month with no jobs, it seemed like I'm starting all from the scratch.

Sorry to say, but that is why no updated "anniversary" version of miniBB came by this time, despite I already have some new stuff for the updated release. The life made a correction on this. There was only small issue I have fixed recently. The work should continue more actively in March. Now educated people are taking care of my mother, and I've got my hands free for some time.


The good point in this story is, that now I have to walk and breathe fresh air more than ever, because I have a reason of it. The retirement house is located 30 minutes of walking distance from the place where I'm currently residing. I've left the car in Riga, so it doesn't matter if I take the bus or walk by feet, the time to get there will be, anyway, about half-an-hour, so I prefer just to walk, thus save 1 EUR for gifts. Visiting my mother each day, I take about 1 hr of walking during the quiet private sector and the river area. This ionizes the brain somehow...

Those few days while my mother was "located" there, I started to feel that something is changing extremely in my life. It seems the processes are going in the way like they should...

I was seeing so many dying, sick and thrown people in the retirement house, that I felt God is giving me a good lesson, may be a phrenology lesson, and this is why my mother was not gone simply. Probably because of me. It was needed for me to pass the exam through.

When I see those people taken down from activities, and when I see poor and quite deficient people taking care of them (because active and healthy people do not want to work for minimal salaries, working up the live corpses or "human vegetables") I'm starting to feel I am "in" this game, which opened my eyes to the "true" world. The true world, meaning the background of what we see on TV, read in newspapers, watch in Internet, drink out in bars, smoke up in offices... The true world, which is much bigger than the upground. The world of retired people, where sooner or later, each of us could come in.


On another hand, February shown the world full of activities. I mean, the Olympic games in Sochi 2014. Like they say, Russia invested in these games about US $50,000,000,000. Obviously, it was worth - the world didn't see so progressive development of an empty place and so impressive opening and closing shows.

Sure, the most claimed moment of Sochi 2014 is an unopened Olympic ring of the 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony.

The director of the ceremony, Konstantin Ernst will later explain:

Buddhists have a thought: if there is a perfectly polished ball, leave it a notch, to understand how perfectly it's polished. Rings were the easiest thing in mechanics. We did them at first, and everything else went smoothly. But it was a notch.
Sochi 2014: the `missing ring`, Ernst`s T-Shirt

It seems, the "missing ring" was a pure coincidence, the non-planned fault. But later, it became the branding sign of all the Winter games in Sochi. The most discussed one. It made these games a memorable notch. And it cleanly shown how a coincidence could become the biggest sense.

Now I've finally got the clue what Banksy was meaning:

The stolen Olympics ring by Banksy

If this fault was random (I still have a doubt on this,... you can't trust the TV producers, you know :), then it also was having some hidden sense. Actually, the Olympic rings represent five continents, thus each color corresponds to a particular continent. Red color is for America. It seems, the faulty snowflake in Sochi gave a bad sign for US. In some way, it was similar to a compressed anus.

Sochi 2014: the `missing ring`, planned

In final, the producers of the closing ceremony made fun of the malfunctioning ring very well. Only truly powerful people could laugh at themselves. Hundreds of dancers choreographed to form the Olympic rings, with the final ring failing to open - but this time, it was entirely planned!


The missing ring became an absolute hit over all branding techniques worldwide. Audi created one of the most excited ads regarding it:

Audi: When Four Rings is all you need

Here on miniBB, I wouldn't avoid to skip a good practice, too:

miniBB supports the missing ring in Sochi 2014


Besides of the missing rings, in Sochi I was very impressed by Yulia Lipnitskaya. She became the second youngest Olympic gold medalist in figure skating history, helping to win team trophy Russia. I'm not a big specialist in figure skating and watch it only from times to times, but Lipnitskaya appeared for me even more expressive than Surya Bonali. Comparing to all the competing "cows on ice", she completed her program like running all the time with no even dyspnea. For the first time in many years I was seeing so breathy plastics on ice and so much freedom completed with so big ease, giving so much energy to all the TV watchers through their screens, that I immediately became Lipnitskaya's fan. Like many millions of others in the world. Unfortunately, they have chosen Adelina Sotnikova for individual skating, not quite sure why, but probably mr.Putin knows it better.

Yulia Lipnitskaya - Sochi 2014 Yulia Lipnitskaya - Sochi 2014

Ms. Yulia Lipnitskaya at Time Magazine Cover

Besides of this feeling of beauty, I was watching all other sports occasionally. At some days, I was knocked off much earlier than some interesting programs started. It was also not a big fun to discover, that it's very difficult to find recorded parts of the Games over the Internet. Obviously, Ernst & Co. will produce some DVDs for sale before they will be widely pirated.

Sad, but true: the celebrations of peace and freedom are actually not free. They cost a lot.


But free is the Kalender from Jaime. A final coincidence: doesn't his February in Lungau remind something?.. These hills look similar to what Sochi region has! :)

Vacation in Lungau, February

Author BeLoved
#2 · Posted: 4 Mar 2014 00:00
It's very honest and desperate blog I ever seen so far. "Better rarely than daily nosense" style. Great.

Mr.Paul, I have two questions for you after reading your February... just curious, don't consider them too personal,please.

1.You state, by walking, you save "1 Euro for gifts". What kind of gifts do you mean? Let me precise for better understanding: are they gifts for your mom, and what kind of gifts could you buy just for EUR 1? just curious... when I spent my time in Europe, for me it seemed 1 EUR is not enough even to buy a coffee on central stations...

2. "Getting back to roots".I have to say, not a human has roots. it's just our imagination, visionary... Trees have roots, not a human! Don't take on this too much! I wish you enough powers on completing the product called "miniBB". You are moveing up and down, here and there.Let's hope it will affect on the final product, which *needs* some progress.You know, staying at one place means "stagnation". Let's hope it's not for your product which I LOVE and USE like many others...

Have a nice March!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 6 Mar 2014 00:00
What kind of gifts do you mean? Let me precise for better understanding: are they gifts for your mom, and what kind of gifts could you buy just for EUR 1?
On Central Stations of big cities, surely - you would spent more than 1 EUR. You've made me curious too, I've "analyzed" the local shops today to know what I could truly buy for exactly 1 EUR, because I usually spend 10-15 EUR per one purchase in a shop just to take some food for 2-3 days in advance.

I would say, not in all LV shops there's possible to buy something meaningful for 1 EUR. Probably, the leading market is badly acclaimed "Maxima" which after the deadly accident in Latvia in the past year's november tries to attract more customers. There, for 1 EUR (or a bit less) it's possible to buy (this OR that):

- about 6 L of cleaned water
- pack of milk or kefir
- 400-700 g various sort of bread
- couple of 180 g packs of cottage cheese on the discounting period
- 2 pcs of "Actimel" or related yoghurts
- 2-3 pcs of small pack yoghurts for kids
- 100 g of "Laima" chocolate
- 0,5 L of "Heineken" beer
- Package of chips
- Bit of vegetables (4-5 pcs of tomatos, 1 piece of cauliflower, 2 kg of apples, 600-700 g of bananas or mandarines)

As you see, it's quite enough to bring into hospital/retirement house for one time as a "gift".

Yes, I was meaning something to bring to my mom, because she doesn't take so much food these days as a regular adult person, because of ill.

Have a nice March!!!
Thanks a lot for your wish, reading and understanding.


The same I'd say to all people above who already paid attention to these memoirs. Not always I have time to say "thanks" to everyone, but you all must be sure I always follow any advice or thought.


Author BeLoved
#4 · Posted: 7 Mar 2014 01:07
Thanks for your answers, mr. Paul. Seeing the list you provded, I must consider it all together costs about 10 EUR, right? Not that much for such price, it could be consumed in one day or even evening... Truly European market ;)

BTW, in your blog you wrote about some interesting worldwide events, but skipped Ukraine. Is this what happening there not in your interest, and if so, why??

Stay tuned! :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 7 Mar 2014 10:43
I must consider it all together costs about 10 EUR, right?
It appears so...

in your blog you wrote about some interesting worldwide events, but skipped Ukraine. Is this what happening there not in your interest, and if so, why??
I would say, the information we get about Ukraine these days, is full of contradictions. I have an impression that what we get, is only top of an iceberg. Usually, I am interested only in trusted and proved information, which I actually seen with my own eyes or tend to believe it. With Ukraine, no such information is coming in. What we see on TV, looks like a theatre or circus. And when it all started, I was shocked to read the statement that Ruslana, an Ukrainian female singer and Eurovision contest winner, threatens to burn herself if no changes are going to happen in the political area of Ukraine. It was very sad for me to read such statements, specially from Ruslana. Well, if you did not know, Ruslana's official forum is still running on miniBB, for years. I suppose, singers are best on singing, programmers are best at coding, but best on lying and stealing are politicians, and honest professionals better should stay with their primary mission.

For me it would be very sad if Ruslana would burn herself, so I am quite positive on changes happening in Ukraine; despite of all negative and bad sites of their information coming in, I suppose, changes are always good. This looks like a similar catastropha which also happens in my private life these days, so sometimes it should happen for changes. Let's hope for the best on Ukraine, despite I can not give any expectatioons - events are going on too fast.

Author BeLoved
#6 · Posted: 17 Mar 2014 03:04
Thanks Mr.Paul for providing your Very dedicated reply! I did not reply earlier because I was wondering what was going to happen! Now I see, you have a very clean vision on things, not just coding things or miniBB things. You are very diplomatic person! Hopefully this will affect the miniBB project even more :)

As I already hearing from news, "Crimean peninsula" voting chosen Russia as the primary region to join, NOT Ukraine. Not sure how legitimate this voting was, but supposing LOTS of watchers were being there, this could be a trusted result. Couldn't even imagine how this would affect E.U. where you are in! ;) Let's hope you will continue the hard work started before... God luck!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 18 Mar 2014 22:40
You just hear that from news, how many watchers were there, and if there was a people voting, in general. Without being there on my own, I have no ideas what happens. I understand it's a typo, but each of us truly needs to have "God luck" these days. Thanks for your wishes.

Author adianajones
#8 · Posted: 3 Apr 2014 09:59
Really great picture you have posted...

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#9 · Posted: 4 Apr 2014 00:37
Hi Paul,
I am sorry to hear about your mum's illness and about the tough time you both have been going through.
As a carer of my ageing and ailing parents, I can relate to your side of things: juggling the demands of work and caring responsibilities is tough.
Consider all this a lesson/challenge set by God: take a day at a time and do the best we can; God will provide a way for us to endure through this, as He will not push us beyond our limits.
Best wishes -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 4 May 2014 19:43
Thank you, marsbar. You've just wrote at the time I was preparing my report for the last month... a bit sad one.

2014 miniBB Support Forums / 2014 /
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