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How to block/unblock guest posts/permissions

Author asifshabir
#1 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 22:21
How can we set permissions for guests for this forum. What are default permissions for guests.
How can we set user level permissions.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 9 Mar 2014 23:32
The question about "user levels" is not understood, sorry.
miniBB is not about users and memberships. It is about the content, about the earning on the content.

By default, all guests can post. Read manual or search our forums for $allForumsReg and $regUsrForums to provide various options for members only related forums.

Author asifshabir
#3 · Posted: 11 Mar 2014 14:41
thanks paul,
I tried to set things up but i am receiving errors.

I want to make this forum for registered members only, and guest can only view the forum but can not post any thing.

I don't want to shift to other forums pls give me the settings for these two vailables.
what values should i set to make this forum as registered users only forum.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 11 Mar 2014 23:51
but i am receiving errors
What kind of errors do you get?

I want to make this forum for registered members only, and guest can only view the forum but can not post any thing.
Edit setup_options.php.
Uncomment $allForumsReg and set it to TRUE. That's all.


Regarding your latest reply which I have deleted.
Please be patient while someone replies. Possibly someone means me.
You are not amongst privileged or premium customers to get an immediate reply, it's not the forum for the free support instead of living. It's just the forum of the free support which could be given... any hour, any day.

Author asifshabir
#5 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:19
Thanks it solved the problem.

Thumbs up for paul.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:20
Great, thx. You're welcome ":)

Author asifshabir
#7 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:20
The best lightweight forum on Earth, if we know how to configure it :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:22
if we know how to configure it
It's all explained in Manual... I know, Manual is a bit outdated and somewhere full of improper English... if you have ideas on how to make it better, or what do you mean by "if we know how..." - you're welcome to spread your thoughts, on how it could be better made...

Author asifshabir
#9 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:33
Thanks paul for inviting me for suggestions.

What i think is minibb is inspired by unix file system configuration . i.e. every thing is configured in a file and then implemented.
If you can make admin panel graphical [i.e. configuration should be easy enough even after the installation] like other forums do. All the ptc site and personal website owner will rush towards you.
and if you can provide a manual on how integrate this forum with ptc site scripts. it will be first choice for Newly developed PTC site owners.

I am not a coder , it is just a suggestion (with apologies)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 00:43
Like I already replied, regarding any 3rd party integration we may suggest, it starts with $80... I think it's a top notch price. Guys from SMF or phpBB would probably require for a customized integration 10x times bigger price (the other question is, they are already "sponsored" by their private investors, but the only investor in miniBB is me and the customers who pay for my work).

We suggest such price because with miniBB it's all is simple... but still, it requires some time. I suppose you may imagine my time is very costly. Each working hour rates high, so afterall, I am suggesting to publish all codes for public with giving all credits to your project or website, so this is the best offer I could have regarding PTC integration or any other else. Sorry, I can't work for free for private goals in the capitalism world.

As about the "graphical" implementation of editing the core settings... thanks, I already have this add-on in mind long time ago; unfortunately, family issues still force me to work on the customized tasks more than developing this... let's hope after I get my hands free at some point (it's coming even closer this year), this task should be the first I develop... thanks for your "+1" on this.

Author asifshabir
#11 · Posted: 15 Mar 2014 22:00
How can I allow my users to post simply by giving their username, and no password.
user is registered on the forum , but to post , he does not have to give the password.

is it possible with minibb ?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 00:40
It would mean, you have to open your forum to Guests. Only Guests could specify just their nickname with no password.

Members should specify both Username and Password to post. This is a definite rule.

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 How to block/unblock guest posts/permissions
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