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minibb_storage_1.4.2 - couple of questions, issues

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 8 Jan 2015 10:47
Hi Paul,

I have minibb_storage installed and working - but I have a couple of questions.
(Remember I have an older installation (3.0.2) as we made a number of changes to the code core (with your help)).

Anyway, first question:
When I try to use the Thunbnail option the URL that is shown in the Upload window, to be cut/past'd into the message is correct.
But when the message is posted the link that should go to the main image chnages to link back to the thumbnail image, so the large image can never bee seen...

I assume this is due to our use of the older minibb core code, but how can I chnage it?

And my more important second question:
Can I easily hardwire the option to re-size the image upload to a fixed size (if the uploaded image is a larger size than the fixed size) to minimise the stirage and bandwidth used?

We have a number of 'older' forum members who can't easily manage their PCs to pre-size images, and forcing all upload images to be resized means we can allow them to upload larger images, but size them to a sensible size when saved to the forum storage.

This needs to be a fixed function, not an option as it presently is.

What do you think?



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 8 Jan 2015 11:39
1. Sorry, I do not remember about all custom changes, so I am not sure what happens on your end. Whatever you should do, is to copy-paste the code the File Bank gives back with no changes. That's very simple I guess. I must be back closer to the weekend, then I could check this in more details. You may send some exact links to your problematic message to my private email.

2. Do you mean a feature, that is similar to one provided under File Uploads add-on? I.e. for example, there is uploaded an image of 4 Mb, then it should be downgraded to 1Mb (for example), so the script will store its smaller copy and not the original?

Author Steve Shaw
#3 · Posted: 8 Jan 2015 15:38
1. Will get back to you with more specifics when I can - today or tomorrow hopefully ;o)

2. Yep, that exactly the idea.
(The idea would be to re-size to to a fixed pixel width (say 1024), if the image is larger - not if it is smaller - and reduce the over image size to a lower MB value)

Does that help?

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 minibb_storage_1.4.2 - couple of questions, issues
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