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BlueHost or Godaddy?

Author peggyR
#1 · Posted: 2 Apr 2015 13:05
I have previously set up a small forum for the sharing and discussion of skin-care knowledge. Initially, I choose the Deluxe plan of Godaddy. It is fine for the first 6 moths. However, as my forum continues grow with more visitors, it seems that the Deluxe is not enough. Now, I have around 50K threads and at least 800 daily visitors. So, my question is, should I upgrade my GoDaddy account or go for another hosting company like BlueHost? I have checked the hosting review site of LinkedHosts, and have found that BlueHost and HostMonster are better? So, which one should I choose?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 2 Apr 2015 15:31
I was dealing with GoDaddy a few times and IMHO this company invests more in their marketing rather than the quality of services or educated staff. Their hosting services were terrible, connection often interrupted.

As about BlueHost, I was hearing positive reviews about their support and the quality of hosting, but that was related to dedicated servers or VPS, not shared plans.

Well, in general, 50k threads and 800 visitors 'daily' doesn't still mean big load. How about 800 visitors instantly? :) that's what I'd call more serious. I think, if you'd found the most suitable VPS plan in terms of price, that would suit your requirements for a long time.

Author tom322
Active Member
#3 · Posted: 2 Apr 2015 17:21
BlueHost or Godaddy?
As Paul said, neither. It's like asking if McDonalds is better than Burger King; these two serve the bottom of the barrel and you cannot expect a high-quality / dedicated service or support (which is outsources to 'third-world' countries). But IF you have to choose between these above for shared hosting, I'd suggest: HostMonster > BlueHost > GoDaddy.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 2 Apr 2015 22:43
BTW, we still don't have an idea what kind of "small forum" software you're using; I truly hope it's not about miniBB, because miniBB could handle 1 visitor per two minutes as a piece of cake :) As about number of threads, I know some forums having similar or bigger amount and still host less than for 10/month.

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 BlueHost or Godaddy?
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