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Android Devices problem with Smilies

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 29 Apr 2016 15:36
Trying to use an Android device to post, and when I select the 'Smilies' option the window with all the smilies opens, but after making a selection the 'Close' button does nothing.

Is this normal. or do I have an unusual problem?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 29 Apr 2016 22:31
There are tons of Android devices on the market (btw which one you're testing from?), and unfortunately, each of them could have its own behavior of interpreting even such simple JavaScript function as the Smilies add-on is using.

If you have an access to the error handling on this device, it would be possible to catch an error from its report.
Other than this, I'd recommend to check this via emulator or something, 'cause noone could have an idea where the error is coming from and what it is about.

Just to repeat - this add-on uses a very simple method of opening the standard pop-up window, so I couldn't be sure what's wrong.

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 Android Devices problem with Smilies
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