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File Bank add-on's problem

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 24 Nov 2016 15:45
I'm struggling to get this to work.

When I checked the page to see if the popup javascript had loaded as the popup link wasn't doing anything the javascript code was in the page but not in the tags. They only showed when I added the right tags inside the bbcode file like this

<script type="text/javascript">


Now I get the popup and the creation of categories but no upload process is being carried out. I have double and triple checked everything. When I do attempt to upload the site popup location changes to the forum url index.php? but nothing happens beyond that? Any idea where there could be an error?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 25 Nov 2016 19:56
Did you properly paste the code provided in bb_plugins.code.txt file, into bb_plugins.php? $storagePopUp is definitely generated in this code.

Could you upload not via the button, but the generic file bank page i.e. forums/index.php?action=storage -> Upload link?

Author Bluesplayer
#3 · Posted: 26 Nov 2016 21:47
Pretty sure I pasted the code in the right place. Anyway the popup is loading now.

I have a test site for a heavily modified forum that I have turned into a blog. You can log in there as a test user with


Login only works on the homepage - test blog

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 00:41
Sorry, I did not find a way to log in.
It would be better if you use our contact form, send all infos there and I will take a closer look.
Hard to tell what happens without seeing it straight.

Author Bluesplayer
#5 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 01:35
Sorry, I should have explained a bit further. To login you click on the 'Admin Login' at the bottom. As it is a blog just for me there isn't a means of registering and login for users.

I don't suppose it is much. The popup works and directories are created on the server but no file upload.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 15:20
Well, you have something extremely customized there. May be the problem starts from something wrongly customized. Actually, when logged in, I don't see the default replying form of miniBB, only something Discus-based. And if I try to create a New Topic, I don't see the FileBank-related button at all.

So, where the testing should come from? How could I navigate to the problem you describe?

Author Bluesplayer
#7 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 15:35
Hi Paul.

The File Bank upload icon is there - next to the Bold Icon when creating a new topic. I just logged in as test and I can see it.

As for replies - no only Discus ones figure so that users can easily comment with their Facebook profiles (and a few others too). As you say it is extremely customised but does work well on a few sites now :) .

You could just go directly to the upload page once logged in?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 17:14
I don't see any upload icon on this form. This is what I see:

File Bank Problem

Regarding the straight upload - the script gives me just a blank screen, and it seems being produced by some critical error, and this error message is hidden because of PHP configuration. You need to know the full error message to determine the problem.

P.S. It's of course your business, but adding Discus comments form to the script which has its own internal commenting system, seems a nonsense to me.

Author Bluesplayer
#9 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 17:50
Well thank for taking a look.

As for the Discus comments I added them so that users don't have to join the forum as it was proving very difficult to get anyone to do so. Also the forums are featuring on Club Websites that are heavily influenced by Facebook - which is where the main discussions occur. With Discus they can comment without joining the forum and if they are already logged into Facebook it automatically logs them into Discus.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 17:56
With Discus they can comment without joining the forum and if they are already logged into Facebook it automatically logs them into Discus.
Obviously on our side we must think about Facebook login add-on rather than all these difficulties :)

And btw, the most simple way is to make the board allowed for guest posting. Then noone is forced to login at all.

Author Bluesplayer
#11 · Posted: 27 Nov 2016 18:07
The ability to login with Facebook, or other credentials, is the way forward for sure. I have noticed on a few forums now. It can make joining a forum a breeze.

I could have made it for guest posting I suppose. Anyway at this moment in time I don't really want to have to look after forums monitoring who writes what and where as I have too much other work to be getting on with. I tend to use the forums I have just to advertise something or other so I don't really encourage people to join up. Sounds odd I know but it works for me. I do have a very heavy work load to contend with. In the future though things might change.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 28 Nov 2016 05:22
It all is fine, but we're here mostly for solving the problem you may have with miniBB add-on. Let me know when you're up to knowing the error report the script may give. I could investigate this all for a little fee, if you drop me FTP details and are in trouble finally. Good luck.

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