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Avoiding problems with using Double Bytes language

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 16 Feb 2003 06:29

miniBB is great, I'v tried a lot of BBS, such as UBB, VBB, phpBB, XMB and invboard, I still like miniBB, small, simple, efficency and nice.

However, it has a problem when using double bytes language, such as Chinese. I think the reason is the function wrapText in bb_func_txt.php. This function sometimes made text code funny, but not always.

I can not figure out the exact reason by myself, the function wrapText is a little bit fuzzy to me.

I hope your guys could improve this problem.

Thank you very much.

Toronto, Canada.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 17 Feb 2003 10:40
Hope, you understand, that it is very hard for us to imagine problem in such language like Chinese, because we can not test it anywhere. I think, the main problem is that users post something in Chinese while the encoding of the page is not Chinese at all. In that case, symbols are translated into codes (&#3001 ; etc). wrapText will be rewritten in the next version of miniBB, I guess, but in nature it has very simple algorithm how to split words exactly with such kind of symbols. So, if you want your users to post something correctly in Chinese, set the correct encoding.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 17 Feb 2003 16:39
Dear Team,

No, you don't need to know any special language, what I mean is hoping miniBB could handle Unicode coding correctly, a lot of BBS, guestbook or other text related php (or Perl...) application can handle Unicode naturally, eventhough maybe they are not intended to do so originally.

The problem is not due to encoding setting, not because the users sake. I'm testing miniBB, not used yet. I'm using VBB and invboard in different sites right now, I used UBB and LeoBB also before, they are all OK.

I believe after you rewriting the fuzzy wrapText and keep the Double Byte in mind, the problem will gone.

Anyway, I like your guys, your miniBB is free, I can not ask more, this is only a suggestion for your reference.

miniBB is great, thank you for your answer.


Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 17 Feb 2003 20:34
Ok, I found the dirty solution is comment the line 88 in the function textFilter:


Since split happend between the double bytes will cause trouble. At least in Chinese case, wrapText is not necessarily needed.

So far so good at the moment.


And another problem, it seems the language xxx.php can not control all the font attributes, there are some other place to control some font attributes, this is maybe not so convenient.



Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 17 Feb 2003 22:21
Sorry, forget my "And another problem...." in above message, too many things made me sleepy. I think I will open skin.php and .css.


Author Team
#6 · Posted: 18 Feb 2003 10:04
Of course, you can comment wrapTxt on your own risk :) In that case, the design of your forum can be easily broken (if someone will post a large phrase without brakes).

In true, I don't so much understand what do you mean by "Double Bytes" language. If you go in our "Qwerty" forums, you will see here that many users has posted something on Chinese. That means, they can post that...

Author Anonymous
#7 · Posted: 19 Feb 2003 00:48
I looked the "Qwerty" forum, there only some testing short sentences, not the real world case. For those short sentences, is your wrapText useful?

I said in the first post: "This function sometimes made text code funny, but not always. " It happend when your split just fall in between double bytes.

Chinese-like (CJK) language use 7000 to 16000 characters, far beyond 256, so it must use two bytes to coding each characters. This is the double bytes mean.

If you could, better prevent broken when post a large phrase without break, but not this way of wrapText in next version. ( IMHO, :) )


Author Anonymous
#8 · Posted: 21 Feb 2003 17:09
I just keep finishing my "Another problem" here.

A lot of <small><b></b></small> used in many template files. I don't know why not define a class in the CSS. I must replace all of them, this is not so convenient.


Author Team
#9 · Posted: 21 Feb 2003 18:25
Roy: it is absolutely your right :)

Author Sergei
#10 · Posted: 1 Apr 2003 18:49
Can you post some examples for us here? So we can test it and prevent next version of miniBB from incorrect splitting..

Author Sergei
#11 · Posted: 1 Apr 2003 18:56
Also try using PHP setlocale() function , set it to your local value at the top of setup_options.php file. And make sure mySQL installed on server also is set to recognize Chinese symbols... Also about wrapText in Chinese... We don't know Chinese language, so... can you explain a bit how wrapText in your opinion should work with Chinese? cause if you're disabling it on your site somebody can post long words using chinese symbols as well.

Author Danny2000
#12 · Posted: 8 Dec 2005 01:10
I think I have same problem. If someone post a large among of text with no enter in the text entry the text will damage ...
Is there any solution???

Author Team
#13 · Posted: 8 Dec 2005 18:48
Try to set larger amount of $post_text_maxlength in setup_options.php. Probably 100000 would be enough.

Author Helmut
#14 · Posted: 19 Jan 2006 03:37
Hi team, hi everyone,

I have set up a miniBB forum in three languages: English, German, and Chinese. After some problem solving, it works quite okay now. I even solved a number of problems related to charactersets and encoding in Chinese.

Now I have one problem left. In a normal Chinese text, there are no blanks between characters or words. If users enter their text this way, everything after a certain number of characters will be cut off, due to the word-wrap routine in miniBB. Increasing the number of letters allowed per word in the config file probably doesn't help much, because nothing would wrap then. Please help, I need ideas how to solve this.

Author Team
#15 · Posted: 19 Jan 2006 08:01
If users enter their text this way, everything after a certain number of characters will be cut off
Which exactly field do you mean? Topic's title or topic's text? Topic's text field in database is large enough to hold big data. As about topic's text, try to change 'topic_title' field in 'minibbtable_topics' from varchar to text. For example:

ALTER TABLE `minibbtable_topics` CHANGE `topic_title` `topic_title` TEXT NOT NULL default '';

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