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How to find where to edit this or that

Author K3_
#1 · Posted: 17 Jun 2006 18:53
hi I have a problem whit $l_enterforums button...

ok I only need know in which file this $l_enterforums
I need to modify the button

ok thx :D

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 18 Jun 2006 09:28
This variable amongst others is in language pack... /lang/eng.php or whatever; button itself is in templates/user_login_only_form.html.

We are a bit tired of the questions like this, so here is the short basic solution how to know where to edit this and that, if you want to edit it.

Everything what you need is to search within extracted miniBB files for content. You must know only what part of content is to search about. In your case, part of content will be "$l_enterforums", or at least, "l_enterforums".

For Windows, install Total Commander, browse into directory where miniBB files are exctracted, run Alt + F7 and find all files by "file text". For other OS you could find the similar file manager with ability to search by keyword within files.

Click on the thumbnail below to enlarge and view full screenshot of this panel.

On results page, click a file name and open it via pressing F3. Press F3 even further unless you reach the code which contains the searched fragment.

Default windows "Search" (Start -> Search -> For Files or Folders -> All Files) gives the same results, but only not allowing to search within specified directory (or at least we don't know how). TC is a great tool not only for this, but also for many other file management and FTP operations.

P.S. This is not TC advertisemet, we are not affiliated with them. It's just a great software and free to download.

Thank you for giving us the time for more dedicated work than answering repeated basic questions :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 24 Jan 2012 14:03
Here I explained specifically, how to locate certain phrases or file names to search.

Author peter100
#4 · Posted: 18 Mar 2018 10:31
How do i change the color of the white field as seen here:

Search Screenshot

the field that reads 'zoek tekst'

I can't find it in style.css

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 18 Mar 2018 12:25
Here's a quick tutorial how to find where to edit CSS:

- view the source of the page in the browser you use
- find/locate the phrase "zoek tekst"
- in your case, you will see it's located in the HTML like

<td class="tbClCp" style="width:25%">Zoek tekst</td>
you'll see it's a class named 'tbClCp'. The same way, open your .css file, find/locate 'tbClCp' and change the background-color property.

Author peter100
#6 · Posted: 18 Mar 2018 14:56
Thanks, that was very easy !!

Author MorrisBonnie
#7 · Posted: 28 May 2024 17:22
To edit the necessary information, try the following: open the relevant section or page where this information is located. Then, look for a button or link labeled 'Edit' or 'Change.' It is usually located at the top of the page or next to the editable item.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 28 May 2024 19:52
This question/topic is about of how to find the snippet of phrase or code in miniBB files/templates, and then edit it... your solution won't work for this case. There are no buttons or links involved, only standalone programs and tools.

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 How to find where to edit this or that
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