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miniBB 3.3 FINAL released; Mobile Responsive Layout release; all add-ons update

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 22 Jun 2018 17:49
Before you start, think of the finish...

After 2 years of work out and testing, miniBB version 3.3 has been finally released and available for a free download. This version is mostly about the layout change, meeting the current Web's de-facto standards, and Responsive/Mobile mode compatibility.

The Mobile/Responsive Layout add-on is now available to order/download/install as well. Keeping in mind miniBB's ability to be built-in with a pre-existing layout, the Mobile Layout could be build-in following the same principles. This add-on doesn't require a copy of scripts or database, or like previous Mobile version, it also doesn't require a standalone sub-domain anymore - it fully works on the same engine as the core miniBB, determining the mobile device on-the-go.

The full miniBB demo is now also fully updated, all core and add-ons, including the Mobile version, up-to-date. You are welcome to try it out.

All add-ons listed on the front miniBB demo page, were made compatible with the Mobile Layout, also proven to be 100% W3C-compliant.

The add-ons which relate to file and image uploads (Avatars, File Attachments, File Bank, Photo Album) were updated to have a new security algorithm. Now the root option will be about an allowed extension of the uploaded file, and its file types; extension which are not mentioned, will be just not allowed to upload. Such algorithm doesn't relate on the file type only anymore. Additionally, these add-ons were extended with a client-side modification (JavaScript), which prevents uploading of a forbidden or too big file, providing less confusion before the upload button is pressed, and less server load.

With this release, we will also change our politics in pricing for all Premium Extensions. All prices are reduced for a lifetime, and now made more flexible, regarding the complexity of any add-on. Hopefully this would bring new buyers more satisfaction.

The Compiler tool is currently disabled and is planned to be updated in the next few days. Like in ancient times, you could still bundle miniBB with any add-on manually; refer to the README.txt file provided with each package.

I hope the big work done now opens a door to the next-stage miniBB project development.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
Simplicity in character, in manners, in style; in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity.
Enjoy your forums, and keep them simple! :)

Author Rider
#2 · Posted: 10 Jul 2018 12:52
Great, I've been looking forward to this moment and am looking forward to implement this in our environment. Think I'll wait until the compiler tool is ready since we use some addons. I've never used the compiler tool before and from what I understood the tool will save me a lot of time, which opens the door for me to add some more addons.

Great job Paul! Thanks and have a nice day.

Author fooso
#3 · Posted: 10 Jul 2018 20:17
Hello, can u say something about a on Android. How can we use this application in our phones?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 10 Jul 2018 21:09
How can we use this application in our phones?
You can use the client-part of it on phones, if a Mobile module is attached to the forum. But you can not install it as an app on Android.

Author mbeffa
#5 · Posted: 13 Jul 2018 06:37
Paul, I installed the forum, seems to be functional, and I cannot even login as root_admin.
I cannot delete spam posts, I cannot block or delete a user.
The menu bar has only three entries: Register, Search, Statistics.
When I login with the root_admin password, the Sign In button does not change.
I cannot find a Sign Out button.
I have enough questions to fill a volume.
Am I the most stupid of all?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 13 Jul 2018 16:53
I installed the forum, seems to be functional, and I cannot even login as root_admin.
So when you are trying to login as admin, do you have an error report on the screen? Or what happens?
And how do you login - via the login/password fields on the front page, or via the login form on the admin panel?

I suppose, we have a related topic on that, which you may check... could be various reasons why this happens.

Author harootun
#7 · Posted: 12 Aug 2018 19:29
Hoping the compiler will be back soon... I'm too lazy to compile the files myself!

Author Rider
#8 · Posted: 17 Sep 2018 19:59
Hoping the compiler will be back soon... I'm too lazy to compile the files myself!
So am I... So am I:-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 17 Sep 2018 23:25
I didn't forget the Compiler :) I'm about on 60% of developing it now. Bypassed the most annoying and hard-to-embed add-ons and it's being gradually moved to the final version, which also should include the Mobile add-on and the new sophisticated version of the Contact-Us add-on, which we use for repulsing the abnormal amount of Spam messages we're getting these days. It seems I found a way of coding the "true" version of the Contact-Us which could block spam, but which also bypasses all "valid" messages which we definitely should read on. Please wait a little bit more :) and thanks all for your patience.

Author Rider
#10 · Posted: 18 Sep 2018 19:45
Way to go Paul! We admire all the work you do for the community! And of course we have patience for the work which has to be done.

Author Geek
#11 · Posted: 21 Sep 2018 15:29
Is it posseble to modify it by myself ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 21 Sep 2018 16:54
Is it posseble to modify it by myself ?
Sure, it's possible; it's open source.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 9 Oct 2018 20:59
Just a quick note in this (currently super-sticky) thread: the Compiler tool has been updated to miniBB 3.3 compatibility.

More new things will follow gradually...

Author Rider
#14 · Posted: 9 Oct 2018 23:06
Thanks for this note. I will plan my work for our site maintanance and soon download the compiled package and will tell you afterwards how everything went. Thanks again.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 9 Oct 2018 23:19
will tell you afterwards how everything went
This one is most appreciated in advance! Thanks :)

News miniBB Support Forums / News /
 miniBB 3.3 FINAL released; Mobile Responsive Layout release; all add-ons update
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