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miniBB Compiler is BACK! (Updated to ver. 3.3)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 2 Oct 2018 23:45
It seems all works related to the miniBB Compiler, making it compatible with all current add-ons designed for miniBB 3.3 (and which were previously included in Compiler), are now finally completed. I've tested it compiling all add-ons possible and it seems to work. A few adjustments were made to the Compiler template, but it still stays the same well-known thing as previously.

Additionally, the Mobile/Responsive Layout add-on is now possible to auto-compile, too (*purchasing it in advance* like the other Premium addons).

You're welcome to test, compile, install and report any bugs here in this thread.

Here comes a little plan of miniBB 3.3 post-works (after so long work done I need to define my priorities on this list, but if you feel something should be on top of this list, welcome to post about it as well):

- Release of miniBB 3.3.1, collecting all fixes and extras discovered while working on the Compiler and custom forums; specially those affecting pure unicode non-latin forums.

- Release and addition to the Compiler of the Contact-Us add-on - the one we use here on for our Contacts Form; during this year I've added a lot of things to prevent spam and still not lose any message which could be sent via this form; instead of about 50 of spam messages sent each day, now only about 1-2 truly reach my inbox; but anyone could configure it to prevent spam at the absolute level. This all thanks to the combination of auto-banning IPs and prohibited library of keywords. I'll describe it in more details on the Release page; it still needs some little things polished. This will be a paid add-on.

- Release (and possible addition to the Compiler) of the Sitemaps add-on for miniBB forums, the key thing for SEO. On miniBB forums and some other customer forums, we already use an initial version of it, but it still may need a few of fixes, so it's on about 80% of development stage. This is planned to be a free add-on.

- Work out and release of the User Posts add-on - similarly to Facebook's "Activity Log", this add-on would list all user messages straight on one page (or in paginated mode for more messages), and could be attached to the Profile page's "Recent replies posted" via an external link. This add-on is still in the draft mode.

- An automatic tool to create a custom Skin for miniBB quickly and easily, and possible making it adjusted with Adobe Color CC.

Kudos for following miniBB.
Keep to stay tuned! :)

Author Rider
#2 · Posted: 10 Oct 2018 20:42
I was on it today. I selected as many addons as possible to have them compiled, which in itself went fine.
I then updated all settings in setup_options.php. I then compared the contents of _install_mysql.sql with the actual situation on the server to find out I had to add some extra columns to the user table. I managed to do so with the help of the readme-files which come with the add-ons when you download them seperately. I then uploaded the software to the server. I had to take care of some language-file related issues which I had forgotten earlier. I still need to work on the stylesheet to let the layout match with our website. But everything is looking very, very good so far.

All in all your compiler service had saved me hours and hours of work, which is why I am very grateful to you!

There are some minor questions I have and will post them in a seperate message.

Author Rider
#3 · Posted: 10 Oct 2018 21:23
One question is: there is an item called "Mark All Messages Read" in the top menu bar. But I don't see anything happen when I click on it. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with private messaging. And neither do I have the forum checker add-on. it's there all the time, on every screen. So what is the menu item doing there?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 10 Oct 2018 23:45
It doesn't seem to have anything to do with private messaging.
Indeed it does not related to PMs, it is from the Unchecked Topic Indicator add-on. When you're logged in, near each topic on the forum you may see an icon (little green circle) indicating it has some messages in it which you haven't read. Clicking this item will reset your reading point to the current time, and so eliminate all such icons.

This add-on is from specific add-on series and it may be not appealing to all users; as you see it may even bring confuse. Do not install things which even you as admin don't understand :)

Thanks for your efforts on testing, glad to know it works.

Author Rider
#5 · Posted: 11 Oct 2018 20:07
Do not install things which even you as admin don't understand :)
You can't blame me for selecting all those tempting radiobuttons and checkboxes in the compiling It's why they're there for:-)) But I'll look into the add-on you mentioned. Thanks.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 11 Oct 2018 20:54
Just select all, but uncheck unnecessary :) this would be much faster.

I'm not sure yet, but may be later for Premium customers I'll develop kind of "Template Saver"; using it you could pre-define your own selections and then get back to them anytime.

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 miniBB Compiler is BACK! (Updated to ver. 3.3)
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