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Author madmac
#136 · Posted: 7 Apr 2003 06:29
after much searching to find a fast forum that can easily integrate into other things, I've found MiniBB!!

I read that it can be called from a PHP include, and was hooked that second.

I downloaded it this morning and have got it looking pretty decent in with the rest of my site (Mac gaming shop)... man I love that this thing is only 6 dB tables... just threw them in there with my shop's dB.

now that I've got the visual integration pretty much done (was EASY since I can call the forums from an include), I'll prob take a little break and then start on integrating the shop's and the forum's signup and logins. (fun fun fun)

We go live in less than a week... man I am SOO glad I came across miniBB.

Author jmahon
#137 · Posted: 6 Apr 2003 01:51
ahhh, ok thanks a lot team

Author konse
#138 · Posted: 5 Apr 2003 13:05
i like minibb! it's my favourite!
it is cool, easy, perfect!

Author Anonymous
#139 · Posted: 29 Mar 2003 05:30
Posted: Oct 28, 2002 14:56:02

THIS is a very useful forum!
But: I don't like UBB-Code (why learn another formatting language??? HTML should be ok.)

UBB-Code is for visitors, not for you stupid webmaster!!

Author MarcDK
#140 · Posted: 18 Mar 2003 19:03
Great work!

Exactly what I have been searching for! No to overloaded. Just what is really nessesary!

Plain, simple, awesome!

Author OZtwo
#141 · Posted: 11 Mar 2003 12:36
Can't wait to see what happens when the message count hits 200. :)

Author Team
#142 · Posted: 11 Mar 2003 12:15
That's cool :) We are satisfied, too, that you've choosed our program for such a big project. We just wondering that it is still working :) Probably, your site has the biggest forum which uses miniBB in background, thx.

Author eys
#143 · Posted: 8 Mar 2003 07:42
I think the design layout can be better.. now kinda ordinary.. just a thought, bcos i changed mine alot..

Author OZtwo
#144 · Posted: 24 Feb 2003 02:05
Just like to add that I started out with phpBB, but moved way from it to miniBB! :)

Author Anonymous
#145 · Posted: 24 Feb 2003 02:04
I personnaly like phpBB more than miniBB... But this one is very useful when you need a fast and little forum.

Author Team
#146 · Posted: 20 Feb 2003 11:39
Thanks for your kind words :) and thanks for choosing miniBB, of course. Good luck in your project.

Author Anonymous
#147 · Posted: 20 Feb 2003 09:46
I just installed miniBB today. I think it's an excellent set of scripts. The installation instructions were great and I've already downloaded different skins and icons.

Just thought I would say thanks for creating it and giving it away for free. I'm a writer and I plan to the use the forum to receive anonymous, public feedback about my manuscript.

I've removed the miniBB image at the top of the forum, but otherwise have left everything as is. Hope that's okay. I've embedded the forum inside my SSI header and footer, to fit with my image. It looks great! I love the layout that you guys have created.


Author OZtwo
#148 · Posted: 17 Feb 2003 08:20
I have to say, miniBB has to be the best 'BBS' out on the Internet today! Love it! Just after a few hours inbetween movies, I got miniBB setup and customized (ok, templates are kind a pain since you can't use php within them that in turn you have to modify your source code) and love it! Was the perfect message board that I was looking for, couldn't have programmed it any better!! -- since this is really my third month into php, but still! :)

Author Anonymous
#149 · Posted: 31 Jan 2003 02:16
I've been looking for a great BB for some time, and I found it.. minibb! Wow! Like everyone said, small and customizable. Members of REAL discussion groups want to exchange ideas and info, and not try to dig out responses hidden amidst loads of silly graphics and strange signatures.

I do wish it had capability for a file attachment, and ideally, represent it in the message as a symbol to click on to either view or download the attachment. However, I think of it this way: it's an opportunity for me to brush up on my PHP and learn how to modify code. If I get such a hack working, I'll share it with all!

Author scotawful
#150 · Posted: 29 Jan 2003 21:11
I love this thing! So customizable, so small, so fast, and so easy to integrate anywhere in the site. Its not overloaded with useless and excessive extras. I'm not a scripting wiz, so I enjoyed the simple structure and understandable code which made it easy to install and customize to fit my needs.

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