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Database/Configuration error

Author dejesus
#1 · Posted: 30 Mar 2003 22:48
My forums all of a sudden turned into a string of Database/Configuration errors and now i can't access any pages. what does this mean?

Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 31 Mar 2003 00:31 was working fine up to now?

check that the database still exists.

Author dejesus
#3 · Posted: 31 Mar 2003 06:11
ah ha.. the isp had a power outage and forgot to start the database again..
thank you :)

Author Prince
#4 · Posted: 12 Aug 2011 15:27
My forum has a large traffic and Most time I get this error: Database/Configuration error
It's about: 800 Guest and 500 User logged in (Normal).. some times more and less.. and I get that error.
What should I do and what do I need to change in server to prevent this error?

Anyone has any idea about it?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 12 Aug 2011 15:43
The error means the database is overloaded. It's a mySQL error and doesn't depend on miniBB, but more relays on the hardware and configuration of the server.

At first, you must be the only one website on the server. The server must be configured to your website only and have only those modules installed which are necessary. The server should have fast HDDs and a lot of memory (up to 32 Gb for your case). mySQL server should preferably reside at the same physical server where the whole website is stored.

Then you must have quite a powerful hardware to handle it.

Author Prince
#6 · Posted: 12 Aug 2011 16:43
The server should have fast HDDs and a lot of memory (up to 32 Gb for your case)
I've 500GB HDD and 8GB RAM. Dedicated server. But I try to check with them again.

Thanks :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 12 Aug 2011 16:59
Boost it up to 16 Mb of RAM and see what happens.

HDD space doesn't matter. The current miniBB backup takes just 50 Mb, but it makes about 30-40 Gb of traffic per month. I could host it even on mobile.

But the speed of HDD matters. There are different HDDs in this world, different maintainers, high and low quality etc.

Author Prince
#8 · Posted: 12 Aug 2011 18:22
Your advice is always helpful to me, I appreciate that :)

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 Database/Configuration error
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