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(micro-optimization) - changing in_array to isset in the $userInfo condition from bb_func_vthread.php file

Author tom322
Active Member
#1 · Posted: 16 Jun 2019 03:02Reply Quote
For those interested in micro-optimization.. as far as I know, isset is always faster than in_array because isset checks only one value from array, and in_array goes through all values. So I checked the code in bb_func_vthread.php (which the majority of forum visitors land most frequently) and there is this line of code in the "/* User info in posts */" section:

if(!in_array($cols[0],$userInfo)) $userInfo[]=$cols[0];
I thought to replace it to make use of the isset() function and associative array, so I changed it to:

if(!isset($userInfo[$cols[0]])) $userInfo+=array($userInfo=>$cols[0]);
From what I initially observed after the change, nothing was broken and the speed was a little faster (from my testing using the browser Network).

My question to Paul or others - is this a correct custom change; wouldn't it break anything from other areas of the script/addons; is it safe to use? Thank you.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 16 Jun 2019 03:24Reply Quote
Ok, nevermind, it breaks something (the $getClForums function is not getting proper user_id values), so it's not worthy optimization I guess, sorry :

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 16 Jun 2019 12:31Reply Quote
isset is always faster than in_array because isset checks only one value from array, and in_array goes through all values
It is theoretically true, but if we speak about the $userInfo array which is generated in the bb_func_vthread.php file, then it generates only as much values as are set in the $viewmaxreplys setting - i.e. the amount of messages per page which obviously rather won't be set up for more than 50. THIS amount actually doesn't affect anything in terms of `in_array` vs. `isset`. If there would be about 50,000 or even 5,000 values then you'd note a difference :)

That's why this optimization wouldn't make a lot of sense... specially because for `getClForums`, $userInfo be substituted as a plain array of values (user IDs). You solution actually "sums up"... umm, not sure what exactly :)

nothing was broken and the speed was a little faster
I suppose an impression of changed speed is a placebo effect, or whatever else happened at that moment (for example, less users visited the site in a moment that's why you were having it). I suppose, this function in terms of the value it holds, is hard-to-catch at the speed measuring.

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 16 Jun 2019 19:09Reply Quote
Ok, thank you - that makes sense. You're right that it was not a real test of speed ::

Master Class miniBB Support Forums / Master Class /
 (micro-optimization) - changing in_array to isset in the $userInfo condition from bb_func_vthread.php file
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