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Pre-moderation / Premoderation

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#106 · Posted: 8 Jul 2019 17:11
Steve Shaw
You should just install a new version of the forum in a different folder, and attach a new version of the add-on to it (basically, everything else, too). So there is possible to try out everything but not on the currently live forum. When the time comes to switch between the old and the new forum, just rename the new forum's folder to the previous one.

It is absolutely unacceptable that you install both versions of the older and the new add-on. Also, possibly the new version will not even work on your older core.

Author Steve Shaw
#107 · Posted: 8 Jul 2019 21:04
Everything for the new forum is in a differently named folder.
But, it obviously access the same SQL Database as the old forum - that is my worry.
Does that make more sense?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#108 · Posted: 8 Jul 2019 21:53
Steve Shaw
Like to repeat, the older version of this add-on used plain files as a storage. In the meaning of storage, versions of Premoderation add-on do not cross.

As about the generic forum, you can use the same DB for tests, but I suppose, the newer version of your forum still needs the most recent upgrade for DB. However it all depends on your current version of the forum. I did upgrade of the default DB rarely, so it is quite possible that the older forum still could work with the upgraded DB.

Author Steve Shaw
#109 · Posted: 9 Jul 2019 19:22
I did the update to the new forum, using the same database - all is fine!


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#110 · Posted: 10 Jul 2019 17:01
Steve Shaw:
I did the update to the new forum, using the same database - all is fine!
Depending on your older version, the new version still may need some upgrades of DB, follow the Updates History for that.

Author Steve Shaw
#111 · Posted: 11 Jul 2019 10:21

Author Steve Shaw
#112 · Posted: 26 Apr 2020 12:43
Hi Paul - is there an option to send admin an email when a new user posts a message that is held for Premoderation?
I've searched everywhere I can, and not found any info on this.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#113 · Posted: 27 Apr 2020 15:38
Alas, there is no such option. You could only achieve this, modifying the core script.

Alternatively, there's possible to code and set up an easy crontab script, which checks for a premoderation queue, let's say each hour, and then sends a reminder to admin(s) if there's something available to check.

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 Pre-moderation / Premoderation
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