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miniBB 3.4.2 released: improved politics of links presentation and pages index

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 28 Oct 2019 14:18
In the newest miniBB version we will take care of internal links which are generated by the software, and the index of the pages they are leading to; also provide small post-fixes to the previous release.

The "nofollow" attribute are now removed from all internal forum links - whenever they could appear (like on the Statistics or phrase-based Search pages); all links should have "dofollow" (default no-tags) attribute.

Additionally, the "ugc" attribute is introduced for all `user-generated content` links (i.e. those links put in messages) - it will replace the older "nofollow" attribute; all this is introduced regarding the recent Google revisions.

Please note that the new Google link attribute additions are still not submitted to W3C or WHATWG. I've raised up a thread on W3C Validator's GitHub, and it's up to you as to a forum owner to decide, whether you'd like to follow Google's recommendations immediately, or stay with the older "nofollow" attribute unless it's added to validation. Note that forum pages will not validate properly until that moment.

Important addition is also in the sendMail function of bb_functions.php - for advanced mailing, there is now possible to provide different From, Reply-To and Errors-To header values. This won't affect the current mailing procedures, and is mostly coded for the upcoming add-ons.

For getting the full updates chain file-by-file, as usually, follow the bottom part of the Updates History file - zipped download or online .txt.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Nov 2019 14:09
Additionally to the new release, the File Bank add-on has been updated to the version 1.5.5.

The file to update is addon_storage.php - now all file-listing pages will be INDEX,FOLLOW (except BB-code sharing links will stay with `rel="nofollow"` attribute).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 12 Feb 2020 15:14
A small addition to my earlier post: it seems the bug-report thread I've raised up on the W3C Validator's GitHub has been closed today. This seems to mean that the issue with "ugc" attribute is now fixed, and miniBB-build pages with this attribute for user-generated links are going to be properly validated.

Author ruseph
#4 · Posted: 27 Mar 2020 18:29

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 3 Apr 2020 16:14
Quick note: Premoderation add-on has been updated today for a small detail in the admin panel: now if under the "Premoderation Settings" the values for the "amount" fields are specified less or equal than 0, then default values will be substituted.

This is a small change, which basically doesn't affect any importance, that is why the version of this add-on (currently 2.1.2) wasn't changed.

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 miniBB 3.4.2 released: improved politics of links presentation and pages index
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