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cookie domain

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 6 Apr 2003 12:38
i'm having a minor cookie issue -- pretaining mostly to the cookie domain. when i don't set the cookie domain, i can't log in. when i set the cookie domain to www.domain.tld (not my domain name, obviously), it works fine so long as the WWW is present, but whenever anyone goes to my site sans WWW, the cookie problem once again resurfaces.

is there a way to set the cookie domain so that it worls with and without the WWW?

Author 4days
#2 · Posted: 6 Apr 2003 17:22
think all the parameters for cookies are optional including the domain.

but if you're just neglecting to provide a cookie domain in setup_options.php then it's not going to work. you'll have to go into index.php and take out the part that references that parameter (ie: take it out of the setcookie line).

Author Sergei
#3 · Posted: 7 Apr 2003 06:53
Try setting $cookiedomain=$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];

Author Anonymous
#4 · Posted: 7 Apr 2003 11:01
ah, yes, that last one did the trick, thank you Sergei, much appreciated.

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 cookie domain
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