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Compiler not working correctly?

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 13:10
Steve Shaw:
I tried to edit out the [hl][/hl] code entered by mistake
Hmm, do you mean this error appeared after you actually clicked the Edit link, or when you submitted the form using Edit button?

For editing messages, you have up to 5 minutes since they are posted on this forum. After that time, even if you opened the form for editing, an expiration error similar to this could come up.

Author Steve Shaw
#17 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 13:13
When I submitted the edited form using Edit button.
And it was almost immediately after I posted the original message, so not after 5 minutes...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 14:44
Steve Shaw
Do you actually able to edit any other message you post here, within 5 minutes?

(Forum for testing)

Author Steve Shaw
#19 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 14:47
Testing for an edit...

Author Steve Shaw
#20 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 14:48
Nope — can't edit the above immediately after posting it.


Author Steve Shaw
#21 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 14:55
My next issue...
The Compiler set this in setup_options.php, but I am sure it's not correct. How can I verify the correct settings?

$userInfoInPosts=array($dbUserSheme['user_custom1'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_custom2'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_custom3'][1], $dbUserSheme['username'][1]);


Author Steve Shaw
#22 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 16:03
Actually, the issue seems to be when I try to add the 'Custom Ranks' info — I get a 500 error.

$userInfoInPosts=array($dbUserSheme['user_custom1'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_custom2'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_custom3'][1], $dbUserSheme['username'][1]), $dbUserSheme['num_posts'][1]);

So something's wrong somewhere... but I just can't find it.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#23 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 16:04
Steve Shaw:
How can I verify the correct settings?
$userInfoInPosts looks absolutely correct, there is nothing to verify. Any kind of user-profile related fields could be added there in any order, the order doesn't affect their appearing purpose.

Steve Shaw:
Nope — can't edit the above immediately after posting it.
Ok — let me check from a regular account a bit later...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#24 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 16:06
Steve Shaw:
So something's wrong somewhere... but I just can't find it.
I suppose you have a way to check deeper in your PHP error logs, like you did for Keyword-Rich URLs add-on. Only looking at the logs will give you the nature of the error, which you could repost to me for analysis.

Author Steve Shaw
#25 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 16:22
Found the PHP error — just me being stupid!
But as always, great support!

Still having an issue with 'Sorry! This profile doesn't exist anymore.' when clicking on a user name, so trying to isolate that now.


Author Steve Shaw
#26 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 16:55
So.... I have no 'error_log' files being generated, but I still have this 'Sorry! This profile doesn't exist anymore.' issue when I click on a user's name, including my own.
But, when I search users, they are all there (via admin panel).
I know I have something set incorrectly, but I can't find it.

However, I can find no reference to $dbUserSheme['user_custom3'][1] in my files anywhere, other than in setup_options.php.
(But removing $dbUserSheme['user_custom3'][1] from setup_options.php doesn't fix the issue.)
It is in the SQL database though... so it's been set for some reason.

Sorry for all the posts, but it often helps me to focus when typing them — and if you can help, that's a bonus!


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#27 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 17:03
Steve Shaw:
Sorry! This profile doesn't exist anymore.
It's truly could be related to some wrong DB configuration; but as always, I must see the source of files and generate the problem on my side.

If this comes from a default compiled edition, send me the package you've got on my email address (do not upload here), I'll try to re-install it on my side and take a look.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 17:05
Steve Shaw:
It is in the SQL database though... so it's been set for some reason.
This field should be present there by default. An your DB structure, of course, should be properly set up in $userInfoInPosts — Compiler sets this all on-the-go. But of course, I couldn't be sure on anything, if there's a mistake, it could be fixed if found.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#29 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 17:08
Steve Shaw:
Nope — can't edit the above immediately after posting it.
This should be fixed now. Please check.

It was related to the latest release of the Anti-guest add-on, so I also updated it in Downloads. It should unset $xtr var before the script ends. Overwrite addon_anti_guest.php.

Author Steve Shaw
#30 · Posted: 1 Sep 2020 17:11
Testing post editing... and this is the edit...

Yeah — fixed!

So do I need to update this too?


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