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File Bank add-on update: moving closer to a comfortable interface

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Author Steve Shaw
#16 · Posted: 2 Sep 2020 23:42
Sorted the issue...

It was not the file size, or the code.
In the names for the pre-set sub-folders I had spaces.
That causes any image upload to fail.

Your instructions do not seem to specify that limitation?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#17 · Posted: 3 Sep 2020 12:00
Surely, you can not use spaces in folder names. Use underscores or dashes to separate words.

Spaces are not universal, take too much care of their URLs, which should replace a space to %20, also on many servers copying to a folder with a space is a big pain.

I'll take a look in README later and will add this note. Thanks.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 6 Sep 2020 13:36
I've checked the current README for this add-on, and it strictly says:

NOTE: Try to avoid using apostrophes or any kind of non-alphabetical or non-numerical symbols in folder names! The script may work improperly.

Anyway, I will add a few notes about strictly spaces as well.

Author Steve Shaw
#19 · Posted: 7 Sep 2020 11:49
Sorry — yes, I read that but just didn't think about spaces as well... sorry!


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 File Bank add-on update: moving closer to a comfortable interface
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