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Missing Space between Report and Move, when a topic has only one post

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Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 28 Sep 2020 23:22
Hi Paul — just spotted this.
When logged-in as a moderator, there is a space missing between 'Report' and 'Move'.
Where can I fix that?

missing space


Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 13 Oct 2020 17:29
In bb_plugins you can look up (if you have it): $GLOBALS['reportMsgLink'] and add a space there, you could also add  as a space.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:49
Steve Shaw:
When logged-in as a moderator, there is a space missing between 'Report' and 'Move'.
I've checked it; this is sort of weird issue... you did use the Compiler to get this result, right?

And you did not any modifications to the default codes in bb_plugins.php which handle this link (the block is named /* Private Messaging add-on — Report link */ )?

This is the error I couldn't repeat and it should not appear that way... As moderator, you could see the "Report" link only in a forum, which is not associated with this user/moderator ID in bb_special.php -> $mods. I.e. being a Moderator in a certain forum, you should not see the Report link at all.

Only entering the forum, where the Moderator account is not given Moderator privileges, you should see the Report link, but in THAT forum, you should not see the Move link.

So this needs a bit more informations from you, 'cause it's not the standard "empty space" issue.

Author Steve Shaw
#4 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:51
Yes, the Compiler was used.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 12:54
Steve Shaw:
when not logged-in as Moderator
— then you should not see the Move link. This link is available to Admin/Moderators only! Make sure you have default code in bb_plugins.php / parseMessage(), nothing is removed or changed:

/* Moving replies link */
if($GLOBALS['user_id']==1 or $GLOBALS['isMod']==1){
if($GLOBALS['topicData'][5]==1) $ln=''; else $ln=' ';
$GLOBALS['moveLink']="{$ln}<a href=\"{$GLOBALS['main_url']}/{$GLOBALS['indexphp']}action=movepost&amp;post={$GLOBALS['cols'][6]}&amp;forum={$GLOBALS['forum']}\" class=\"mnblnk\" target=\"_blank\">{$GLOBALS['l_move']}</a> ";
else $GLOBALS['moveLink']='';
/* --Moving replies link */

Author Steve Shaw
#6 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 13:03
Just checked again, and the space is now not there...
But, the various options are all there — including Delete...
I'm logged-in as a Moderator.


If I log-in as Admin I get this.

admin options


Author Steve Shaw
#7 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 13:08
Ah — got it!
It seems the lack of space only happens when the thread has just one post — the original post — and you are logged-in as a Moderator.

space missing


Author Steve Shaw
#8 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 13:09
Oh — if it matters, the 'Moderator' also posted the actual message...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 15 Oct 2020 13:28
Steve Shaw:
if it matters, the 'Moderator' also posted the actual message
It matters a lot, 'cause the Report link should not be visible to a post author as well (if he's logged in).

If you could repeat the same on miniBB demo, it would be more useful. Use Moderator credentials supplied on the 1st page (zxc account); the Moderator privileges are given to this account only in one forum — "Something". You will see that in this forum "Report" link is not available. It is available in other forums, so you could try to create a topic in one of them, but I already tried it and surely the "Report" link doesn't appear for zxc's own posts, or in the forum which zxc moderates.

Maybe you have wrong setup for $mods definition? I have no ideas how it would be possible to repeat this.

Author Steve Shaw
#10 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 13:49
Nope — can't replicate in the test forum.
But Compiler was used to build our forum, so not sure what I could have got wrong...

What info from $mods definition do you need to see?


Author Steve Shaw
#11 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 13:53
Ah — but if I have two Moderator accounts, and post a message with one, but look at the topic logged-in as the other Moderator, I still see the same issue...


Author Steve Shaw
#12 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 13:55
If I log-in as Admin, I do not see the Report option...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 18:17
Steve Shaw:
If I log-in as Admin, I do not see the Report option...
It is correct — as Admin, you could take any immediate action to any post and should not spend time reporting some bad message to moderators ;-)

Ok — if you were using Compiler — are you using the default version from it now? Could you email me your package of scripts to check out?
I'll check it locally.

Author Steve Shaw
#14 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 19:02
Hi Paul — what scripts do you need?
I'll email whatever you need.

As always, it's likely I've changed something incorrectly.



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#15 · Posted: 16 Oct 2020 21:44
Steve Shaw:
what scripts do you need?
Just the full package of the root .php scripts and /templates/ you have on the forum. I don't need uploaded files, pictures and so on.

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 Missing Space between Report and Move, when a topic has only one post
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