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Introduction — cloud computing

Author rshirsagar5
#1 · Posted: 22 Dec 2020 12:37
Hello Everyone,

I am the latest member of this community.

I am interested to know all about cloud computing as this is a new subject for me but I am already working on it as a support analyst in this subject.

Hence request all the experts in this community to guide me in making a head start in understanding the concept, architecture, and integration of this technology.

And last but not the least, very happy to know and join this community.

Best Regards,

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 22 Dec 2020 16:12
Hey Rajesh,

I'm afraid you've come to a wrong place to discuss this subject. This forum is mostly about to support miniBB, a forum software. It could be run on a cloud-based hosting, but this is not what we suggest or discuss here. I'm a coder and not the cloud framework admin; I best most of our members couldn't be on top of advicers neither.

However, I know a bit of theories and if you could be more specific on your question, then I could probably could draw a starting path for you. Alas nothing more than this.

Author rshirsagar5
#3 · Posted: 24 Dec 2020 09:08
Hello Paul

Thanks for replying to the thread. Sorry for this post I thought it is a cloud-based software forum community, it's been mistaken by me. I'll take care of it when I'm gonna post a new thread. Thanks again to respond.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 24 Dec 2020 14:30
it is a cloud-based software forum community
The miniBB software itself is a standalone product, it's not a service. You choose what to download and install, and choose your hosting, which could be cloud-based, a dedicated server, VPS or shared server, depends on how much you could pay for it.

BTW why did you decide it's some way related to the cloud-based software forum community? Is our project referenced somewhere that way? And actually, what's the difference between cloud-based forum, or forum hosted elsewhere, if it still uses the same technologies in background like PHP/mySQL and some standalone libraries?

For me it doesn't matter a lot where to host your forum, it just depends on the amount of visitors you planned... if you have let's say up to 100 visits per day, you don't have to own a cloud :-)

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 Introduction — cloud computing
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