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Bug With Links (BB code is remembered in the message)

Author Steve Shaw
#1 · Posted: 13 Jan 2021 23:14
Hi Paul,

I've found a BUG with LINKs.
If you type some text, highlight it, and then use the 'Link' option to make the text a URL, the pop-up that you type the URL into 'remembers' what you type into it, even after your clear it, so if you first enter a wrong URL, and then replace it, the Link ends up being rather wrong.

For example:

This is a {url=}{url=}LINK{/url}{/url}

You can see there I first tried to enter a URL to minibb, and then changed my mind, and tried to link to our website...
(Have changed the [] brackets to {}, so you can see the issue...


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:41
I couldn't say it's a bug... the pop-up in its meaning doesn't remember anything, each time it's opened it brings up a default value (it's possible to change to another value).

It seems you just highlighted the URL code which been pasted into the message window already, but the script doesn't mind to control your selection. You should surely delete the URL BB-code before you type the new, or you could just manually change the URL inside of an existing code in the message, or after you put the wrong code, you could Undo it (typing Ctrl+Z on Windows or bringing up a proper key on the mobile keyboard).

The JavaScript button of URL BB-code is just a helper, it only pastes the transformed selection into the message window and in no way "remembers" or does control the contents. After the paste is complete, you further control the message text as it is and surely you should use BB-codes properly. Layering URL over URL will not bring any good result.

Author Steve Shaw
#3 · Posted: 14 Jan 2021 17:14
I think you are missing the issue.
I'll take some screen grabs to help.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 18 Jan 2021 19:42
Steve Shaw:
I'll take some screen grabs to help
The Screenshot would be useful, as always...

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 Bug With Links (BB code is remembered in the message)
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