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Author oliviajaacob
#1 · Posted: 1 Mar 2022 22:57

Author Guest
#2 · Posted: 27 Nov 2021 19:33
Surprised to see the forum and the website like this.
Where does it come from?
No blinking ads, no flashing layers, no banners, no pop-ups, nothing except the content I need.
Ah, and that «Post as a Guest» feature which I will try now.
Are you living in the 21st Century?

Author Mrken
#3 · Posted: 18 Nov 2021 22:04
Truly, minibb us the best!

Having tried lots of forum scripts but, very very difficult to read and edit.

Thanks minibb

Author Guest
#4 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 14:33
Hello all, just coming by and looking around :)
It looks very interesting.
Have been looking for a long time for a forum and it was much harder then I had thought.
Have not yet settled on anything and I started this trip a year or two ago :/
Initial wanted FluxBB as a minimilistic forum but that did not work at all as it had to be mobile ready and it had its issues.
Then been looking at other things... But... Well still looking.

— Darkijah

Author Guest
#5 · Posted: 7 Jun 2021 01:35
On your downloads page you have this sentence: «This guide shows how miniBB could be intergrated destructively with almost every common users database.»

Presumably, you meant «constructively» ? :)

Thanks for this notice! This is probably left from ancient times, and surely the sentence has to mean that miniBB could be integrated non-destructively. I've fixed this on the Downloads page, tried to make it more clean :) — Paul from miniBB

Author Guest
#6 · Posted: 22 May 2021 01:57
Installed minibb to try out on one of my domains for friends, used the compiler to get the package I want. Went smoothly, reminded me the best era of get-on-the-go setups (in opposite to modernas when there's no choiće).

Astonishing. It loads so fast I couldn't blink my eye, with no heavy web 2/0 shit. Underrated software. It does what it does.

Use it for uncensored content you'd like to share with your community. There's no trace for tracking, as developers describe. Very clean old-school code. It just lacks the secured loigins; hopefully they will be implemented soon. I follow the news.

Author Pari
#7 · Posted: 20 Mar 2021 21:15
I absolutely love this forum!! I have used it for a few years now and I have never had any issues with it. Although I am a novice coder, it was super easy enough for me to set up and even integrate it with my main sites' members database.

The only thing I was not able to figure out on my own was how to synchronize the log-in, so when members log in from my main site to the forum (and vice versa) they are automatically logged into both.

Well, thanks to the premium service option these guys provide, Paul got that synchronization done for me quickly! Now, I wish I had not fiddled with it without success for so long and just contacted these guys to do it for me from the start. Paul got it all done within a couple of days, and now it all works seamlessly like a charm. 🙌

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Paul ❤

Author DigitalNorwegian
#8 · Posted: 1 Aug 2020 02:30
It's simple, yet effective.
Gotta say I'm pretty impressed myself so far — so many solutions out there, but this is really neatly coded and displayed.

Author livetogelz
#9 · Posted: 5 Apr 2020 07:40
This is a truly extraordinary forum. Perfectly written!

Author ruseph
#10 · Posted: 26 Mar 2020 16:17
i love this forum

minibb forum one in the entire world

Author Kathy Brown
#11 · Posted: 26 Oct 2015 11:05
A good choice for us.

Author SerenaMikell
#12 · Posted: 5 Oct 2015 11:16
I can recommend mini BB as a useful starting point for adding a forum.

Author Patriboom
#13 · Posted: 17 Jan 2015 04:24

since long i was looking for a costumable BBS which fits with my existing database.

The file synchronizing_minibb.html helped me a lot.

Author Chauncey
#14 · Posted: 29 Jan 2014 17:39
I could not refrain from commenting. Perfectly written!

Author Steve Shaw
#15 · Posted: 4 Aug 2013 21:20
I have to agree - 100%!!!


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