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Is the purchased license for old versions of add-ons still valid for newer versions?

Author Roman S.
#1 · Posted: 25 Jul 2021 15:06
Dear Paul,
Dear mini-BB developers,

I had purchased a set of paid add-ons for the mini-BB v. 2.0.+, and kept the receipts. After upgrade to the current mini-BB version 3.5, am I eligible for downloading for no extra payment the newer versions of correspondent add-ons, compatible with the latest mini-BB software, or should I purchase the new versions separately?

Thank you in advance for addressing my question.

Sincerely yours,

Author Roman S.
#2 · Posted: 25 Jul 2021 15:43
P.S. Thank you, it's all right now, I was able to download the latest versions with the credentials you've sent me upon payment.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:57
Roman S.
I'm glad you solved it.

Just for being more precise, the add-ons do not have licenses, but they are just limited in download amounts (the current limitations sets you could download them for 10 times each, which would mean they should be enough for a lifetime). You are free to download them as soon as this amount exhausts.

Please note that currently, if you use the Compiler with the add-ons you've purchased, the download amount is not decreased. Not sure if we change it in the future, but that's the current bonus of the Compiler.

Enjoy using miniBB :-)

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 Is the purchased license for old versions of add-ons still valid for newer versions?
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