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Where do I delete the message?

Author JesusGod Pope666
#1 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 15:16

Where do I delete the message?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 16:18
JesusGod Pope666:
Where do I delete the message?
By default, only forums admin or moderators could delete messages. If you login from such account, Delete link would be available on the top right side of the message in the desktop version, or bottom right side in the Mobile template.

If you'd like to allow regular users to delete their own messages, in setup_options.php enable the option named $userDeleteMsgs (look in the Manual for more)

Author Guest
#3 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 18:31
Hey there Paul, ahh okay — just found out that it was my phone screen and not your forum that was making a weird discolor, so I wanted to delete the message again as it was not valid — my new CrapPhone had the issue.

I guess I need to install the forum to see other colors for theming, I don't like these white colors overall — but it seems it might be easy to change, I'll have to have a look.

The mobile ability, I saw there was a plugin? But now miniBB already is mobile ready out of the box???

I have tried so many different forums and sought out something that I liked and could use, really haven't really found anything that was it. This was an interesting find — although I don't know... Incredible how hard it was to get something that was to my liking :P

I guess this is the standard theme out of the box, which you can then fix colors on in the CSS, as far as I read from the manual.

Dearly regards
— Darkijah

Author JesusGod Pope666
#4 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 18:36
Ahh, I think I get it, so minibb is not mobile ready out of the box. You need the plugin for that.
Just trying to wrap my head around things. Okay.

So this being the standard theme out of the box, can be changed by color easily, that would hopefully include the mobile version?


— Darkijah

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 20:11
I guess I need to install the forum to see other colors for theming, I don't like these white colors overall — but it seems it might be easy to change, I'll have to have a look.
Yes, it's all changed in just one CSS file. Also, this file is used both for the Desktop version and for the Mobile template, so you have to adopt it all in just one place.

For the most recent versions, I've tried to achieve that you basically have to change just 5 colors, which are collected in the common piece of CSS code. If you follow css/default.css from top to the bottom, you'll find the /* Colors */ block and then 5 colors which handle almost everything. Sure you could go deeper and adjust many other options, but as simpler you make it, the better it would be.

You could use services like Adobe Color to find the most harmonic color combination. It was planned to adopt something like miniBB automatic skin maker to it, but I didn't come to it 'cause not having a lot of time to work it out.

The mobile ability, I saw there was a plugin? But now miniBB already is mobile ready out of the box???
JesusGod Pope666:
Ahh, I think I get it, so minibb is not mobile ready out of the box. You need the plugin for that.
Yes, there is an add-on for this. The add-on is a stable version and it's also used here on our forum to demonstrate what it is about. Yes it's a paid add-on, we need to get at least something to let this project being developed. But if you purchase the add-on and use the Compiler tool, you could compile the «out-of-the-box» version straight without installation hassles.

If you check the basic forum (without this add-on) with the Google Mobile test, it will show that the forum is Mobile-friendly. But it wouldn't be comfortable in real usage on a smartphone. The Mobile template add-on is a completely different set of templates, which differs from a desktop version a lot.

Author JesusGod Pope666
#6 · Posted: 4 Oct 2021 20:23
Awesome, thanks for the info Paul. That is very helpful.
I need to get it installed and move from there. :)

I like it overall it looks very nice in functionality and minimilistic and old school. And using my mobile to write at the moment. Being mobile ready is a must these days.

— Darkijah

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 5 Oct 2021 18:36
JesusGod Pope666
You're right, you have to install it somewhere, play with it and see what it's about from inside, and you'll surely have more questions to come, which all could be posted here, I'll try to review them and reply ASAP. You're welcome :-)

Author danielak
#8 · Posted: 8 Oct 2021 13:37
This community seems very halpful! Thank you!

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 Where do I delete the message?
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