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Have some problems with the Demo forum!

Author JesusGod Pope666
#1 · Posted: 6 Oct 2021 21:43
I have some issues with the demo trial saying my posts needs to approved on my JGP6 account I made. I could post with the admin account.

Thanks for posting. Your message has been forwarded to forums staff for approval.

— Darkijah

Author JesusGod Pope666
#2 · Posted: 6 Oct 2021 21:44
Maybe I can verify it myself with the admin account, BRB.

Author JesusGod Pope666
#3 · Posted: 7 Oct 2021 04:41
yea sorted it out with the admin myself. By the way a fix with gathering all the messages together would have been nice if you write from the same account :)
Just a small plugin might do nicely on those levels. I was thinking.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 9 Oct 2021 10:09
JesusGod Pope666:
Maybe I can verify it myself with the admin account
You could relogin as admin (credentials provided on the initial demo page), and Disable premoderation, or remove your profile from Premoderated accounts.

JesusGod Pope666:
By the way a fix with gathering all the messages together would have been nice if you write from the same account :)
Here, I didn't understand what do you mean... screenshot or more explanation would help.

Author JesusGod Pope666
#5 · Posted: 15 Oct 2021 08:51
Here, I didn't understand what do you mean... screenshot or more explanation would help.
Lets say I write this message Paul :) And just after the message, or some time after I write another. Then instead of making a double post the program it gathers the 2 together, merges them with a further time on the second being posted, or third, four of fifth message. It is a very nice feature to have at hand overall.

Author JesusGod Pope666
#6 · Posted: 15 Oct 2021 08:55
Like this message with that kind of feature would have been merged with the one on top! Maybe you could make a small plugin that could do it, it is very neat. Let me show how how another forum does it with a plugin:

first message

Added later 09 min 23 s:
second message

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 18 Oct 2021 12:48
JesusGod Pope666:
Then instead of making a double post the program it gathers the 2 together, merges them with a further time on the second being posted, or third, four of fifth message.
I know about this feature, but I personally do not support it (and also it's not supported in my software). The main reason is that when there is certain amount of messages posted, this helps to eliminate spamming/flooding visitors trying to create too many messages at one session; but if their messages are being merged into another one big message, with the current DB structure this makes the tracking of messages amount impossible. On another hand, there is a limitation on the message size, and it should be taken into attention when merging two messages. Sooner or later, this limitation exhausts and should be controlled somehow. All this makes an obviously «simple» feature like pain.

JesusGod Pope666:
Maybe you could make a small plugin that could do it, it is very neat.
I could code almost everything in terms of our paid support and specially for your forum.

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 Have some problems with the Demo forum!
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