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Happy 2020, or Welcome to the new decade!

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 2 Jan 2020 16:24
Congrats to all survivors in 2020 — welcome to the start of a new decade, and Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2020

Despite the Chinese Year of the Rat is going to start officially only in about 23 days (since today), most probably the major part of the world already started to celebrate it (including me — the party looks similar to the picture above :) ).

It's a good animal to be minimal, so miniBB, hopefully, is going to be continued in 2020. The major change in the upcoming version I am working out now, will be the authorization mechanism. We finally should leave the outdated MD5-passwords, changing them to something more secured. I'll also try to follow my little plan, extending the basic version with some more features, and providing bug fixes.

Besides of it, and I wish this to myself and everyone around, here's another plan of changes in 2020:
— Eat Less — Move More

— Drink Even Less Alcohol, or Stop It At All

— Consume Less — Optimize Expenses, in Result: Work Less

— Take Care of Yourself — Spend More Time with Family

— Start Something New to Learn or Implement

— Code with Passion!
Stay tuned with miniBB, and spread your wish here if you'd like it to come true :)

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 4 Jan 2020 22:16
Happy New Year to Paul and the readers. I hope the Rat will finally bring some much needed change for the better.

Tip to protect from offline scams - when writing checks or dates on documents, make sure to use 4 digits, like: 08/24/2020 (not 08/24/20) because it would be possible for bad people to make the hear 20XX out of your 20 ; )

Author Henry Dudley
#3 · Posted: 25 Apr 2020 16:02
Thank you, it was very helpful.

Author nagidapatrick8735
#4 · Posted: 7 May 2020 21:31
2020 is nothing special , hope next year going to be my year

Author DigitalNorwegian
#5 · Posted: 1 Aug 2020 02:26
It's only what you make it to be — myself I've launched 2 new businesses, where I had to cancel one of them, but the other one, Butikkene, is slowly gaining momentum. Looking forward to partaking in this forum and seeing how miniBB can add value to my company. And along the way help developing myself and others as business owners. Cheers, Thomas from Norway

Author 50/50
#6 · Posted: 31 Jan 2021 18:49
- Consume Less — Optimize Expenses, in Result: Work Less

— Take Care of Yourself — Spend More Time with Family

— Start Something New to Learn or Implement
Well congratulated. 2020 proved it all )) looking at the picture, I felt like this almost every second of this madly fucking year.

How about the new passwords implementation? Do you follow your plan, Paul?

Author 50/50
#7 · Posted: 31 Jan 2021 18:50
Oh well,and why is no congrats for 2021? Are yiu alive? )

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 3 Feb 2021 20:49
How about the new passwords implementation? Do you follow your plan, Paul?
The plan has been changed a bit... Despite the current auth mechanism is a bit primitive and surely not secured from the academic point of view, this software still doesn't ask for keeping a lot of personal information, and your profile is mostly about keeping some posts in a certain order. Also, by now I didn't get reports that someone's profile was hacked or stolen exactly because it was being in MD5.

So, I will leave it for further development (of let's say something like miniBB 4.0), but the current plans are more pragmatic. I have a couple of new security-related and content-organizing add-ons, which require some change in a core; we also have new mySQL databases with extended structure, which also should be used by miniBB, and we have newer PHP versions, which are ways not compatible with the current package.

And my goal is quite simple: miniBB 3.5 will contain just a lot of fixes and updates collected within 10 months, for being compatible and stable for the world surrounding it currently. I'll leave the authorization routines and layout improvements for further versions, this all requires a lot of concentration, which is better to spend to more practical things by now.

Oh well,and why is no congrats for 2021? Are yiu alive? )
Still in the building :-) Honestly speaking, I didn't see much difference or change between 2020 and 2021, all that shit seems to be continued, so let's congratulate each other when we finally drop off the COVID-19.

Author Muhammad
#9 · Posted: 16 Feb 2021 09:32
Happy New year to you and your family.

Author JGP6
#10 · Posted: 4 Dec 2022 09:55
New years is in Spring.

Author John Foo
#11 · Posted: 14 Dec 2022 21:19
Just a little fix : the first decade was from year 1 to year 10 included. There was no year 0.
So, the current decade started in 2021, not 2020. And the century started in 2001 not in 2000.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 13 Feb 2023 19:52
John Foo:
the first decade was from year 1 to year 10 included. There was no year 0.
That's a tricky-trap riddle which let me thinking for a long time :-) After it, I still suppose you may be wrong.

The most important point here is truly about year 0.

The Gregorian calendar most of the world uses nowadays, counts its start from the Birth of Jesus. Respectively, the Epoch before this event is BC (Before Christ) and the Epoch after (which we are living in now) is A.D. (Anno Domini).

This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus, AD counting years from the start of this epoch and BC denoting years before the start of the era. There is no year zero in this scheme; thus the year AD 1 immediately follows the year 1 BC.
So far so good, but the illustration here gives the point:

The New Decade illustrated

There's no year zero, but definitely, there's a mark which could be called "Zero" (on my drawing it's X). It's like on any ruler or roulette, you couldn't measure 1 inch or 1 centimeter without having a clue where the 0 mark is.

Similarly here, we could define that Jesus was born in the year 1 A.D., but it only means His birth is between the X and the 1 on this time line. Also, if something happened in the same year 1 A.D., it happened between X and 1 on this time line.

We obviously can't define X=1 as it would mean, we count everything prior to it really happened.

In our case, "0" is the date/year/time when Jesus Christ was born, and this meant the start of the new Epoch, and thus definitely the new decade. When we pass each year 10 in this scheme, it means the previous decade is over and we start the new one immediately. The old decade and the new decade meat each other on this time segment.

Alas Internet lacks graphical illustrations of how it all could be present; also there is year Zero in Astronomical year numbering. But since the question is only about when the new decade is started, I hope I've given enough of proofs.

Author ruler master
#13 · Posted: 28 Feb 2023 18:54
It's like on any ruler or roulette, you couldn't measure 1 inch or 1 centimeter without having a clue where the 0 mark is.
Actually you can 😊 even if there's no Zero on the ruler (broken or smth), the ruler has obvious measuring points to catch 1 inch or 1 cm. Then you can mesure something between 2 or 3, or 10 and 11 and that way to have and idea where there's one or more inch.

Just bits of offtopic ✌

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 1 Mar 2023 14:46
ruler master
Surely you could measure from 1 to 10 on the broken ruler, but it only means the length will be 9, not 10.

With the time frame, it's all the same. "Zero", or X, is an imaginary starting point of a measurement of the Gregorian calendar. The Mayan or Chinese or Jewish calendars, like for example, have it on another dates, and more even — they have different starts of decades ;-) So, this starting point could be just anytime; the most important question here is — how we count a decade, based on it.

Author Guest
#15 · Posted: 15 Mar 2023 21:49
Congrats to all survivors in 2020
underrated greeting... Paul, how did you survive during the Covid-19 "epoch"? I'm seeing so much opinions these days... what vaccine did you accept to survive?

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 Happy 2020, or Welcome to the new decade!
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