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Celebrating 21 years of miniBB: version 3.6 is released

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 23 Mar 2023 20:02
miniBB 3.6 is a result of issues, collected during almost 2 years. Call it a "Survivor's" release, or "I-don't-give-a-sh*t-on-Covid-19" release.

There's quite a long list of all changes done, as usually it could be found under the !UPDATE.txt (you could also download a zipped copy of it). Scroll down to the end of file and locate the section named Changes comparision: 3.5 — 3.6 — the updating guide starts from it.

I'll shortly mention some of the key points:

1) By default, the Roboto font is now included in the miniBB package and won't be referenced as the link to Google Fonts, because it's not compliant with GDPR/DSGVO.

2) All templates, scripts and database records have to be updated to not include self-closed tags, which most recently produce the following Notice via W3C validation: "Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values" — this mostly affects tags like <img ... />, <input ... />, <br />. All templates and scripts were also updated to not have instances like <script type="text/javascript"> (but just <script>...</script>) and tags like '<!--' and '//-->' inside of the JavaScript code. Two additional scripts were released to make the process simpler for your customized templates (if you have such tags): replace_selfclosed.php and replace_script.php, both available in Downloads.

3) The language pack has a couple of new variables; all Language packs from Downloads were updated to have them in English as well.

4) The Profile form will have "Motto, slogan" field, which is a replament for "Instant Messenger" (the database field still will keep the older name). I've also coded a simple script named check_profile_field.php, also free to download — it could help to analyze the values of basically any defined field in the Profiles table, also improve/remove the older "Instant Messenger" values. I have some ideas to release the add-on for extending the Profile by references to major social networks later. The profile field will also do not contain the repetitive Password field from now; here's why.

5) All sections suggesting to enter the Password, now will have the option to reveal/unhide it. You will note the little crossed circle near the password field. The following sections were affected:

* primary login on the front page,
* alternative login form beneath the posts,
* password field on the Profile form,
* login to the Admin panel,
* login to closed forums.

6) There is a new script: bb_func_sendmail.php — it now contains the `sendMail` function separately and it's eliminated from the core `bb_functions.php`. Mostly it was done for better compatibility with the most recent PHPMailer v6.8.0, because it declares namespaces not required for each and every action of miniBB.

7) Some fixes were done for making miniBB tested and compatible with the most recent PHP 8.2.

Most of other fixes are about the "cosmetic" improvements and minor bugfixes. This release doesn't contain security fixes, 'cause they were not discovered during the recent couple of years.

Updates of the miniBB demo, other add-ons, and the miniBB Compiler will follow this spring.

Follow the Tidings, and enjoy using miniBB! :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 24 Mar 2023 18:27
Today I've updated the miniBB Demo to the miniBB v3.6. It still could contain W3C notices on some pages, which come from different add-ons. The work of gradual updating the add-ons is planned for being started in the next 3-4 weeks.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 13 May 2023 20:47
Discovered today that I didn't put a note about "getAccess" function update in the miniBB changes history file for v3.6. Now there it is.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 3 Jun 2023 18:34
The Updates History file has been updated today to have an additional information about the update of bb_func_login.php for the ver.3.6 I've missed previously. The newest version is available for download/reading now.

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 Celebrating 21 years of miniBB: version 3.6 is released
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